United Nations General Assembly accepted the Resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina last night, proposed by 22 countries. The resolution confirms independence, territorial sovereignty and legal continuity of BiH within its internationally recognised borders, as well as independence of its three constituent nations. It is interesting that the part of the resolution regarding the events in former UN protected zone Srebrenica is not especially stressed in the world media. Presidency member Izetbegovic’s advisor for the media, Jerkovic commented on this and said the part of resolution regarding investigation of circumstances under which the Srebrenica tragedy occurred is very important. Jerkovic said that the Article 16 of the resolution demands from the UN Secretary General to submit a complete report by September 1 1999, on events that occurred since establishment of the UN protected zone in Srebrenica.
Federation Parliament HoP again discussed election of Croat delegates to the BiH Parliament HoP, upon requests from HR Westendorp and OSCE Acting Mission head, Klingler. According to today’s decision, Madjar, Markovic, Soljic and Zoric – all from the HDZ – will represent Croat delegates to the BiH Parliament HoP, along with Vrdoljak from Croat Party of Rights.
RS National Assembly session continued today in Banja Luka. On demand of the SDS delegates in the Assembly the issue of money transactions cessation between the RS and the FRY was included in the agenda. Under exhausting pressure of the Radicals and the SDS, the Government held a session during the Assembly Session, and withdrawn its previous decision on the parity of the KM and Yugoslav Dinar.
European Commission signed the contract with Spanish Enterprise “Altair Asesores” on support of BiH joint institutions.
Trial to Goran Jelisic – “The Serb Adolf”, indicted for crimes over Bosniaks in Brcko, commenced today. In October this year, Jelisic admitted 12 murders but refuted indictments on genocide. According to the first anonymous witness, Jelisic was also one of commanders in Brcko executions. The trial will continue in late January next year.
Mostar Mayor Prskalo and Vice-Mayor Orucevic met with OHR regional head, Ellerkmann and discussed issues of Croat and Bosniak returns to Mostar. Ellerkmann did not want to make press statements, but a source close to OHR said that Croat returns to the Polje settlement and Bosniak returns to Rastani will be carried out next week.
None citizen of non-Serb nationality out of about 18.000 displaced from the area of Eastern Herzegovina returned to his house. This was said at the meeting of CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic and representatives of Western Herzegovina Citizens Association. That is why this issue has to be one of the most important at the upcoming Madrid conference, said the Association representatives and also presented specific plans for resolving this situation.
BiH Central Bank announced that first shipment of KM coins arrived in BiH today. Coins of 10 and 20 Pfening will be released by December 8 this year, while the 50 Pfening coins will be released after December 8.