- Croatia to surrender Ante Sliskovic and Tomislav Blajic, recently arrested in Croatia under the suspicion of involvement in crimes in Ahmici, to The Hague Tribunal
- BiH Minister for European Integration Turkovic estimates nothing will yet happen concerning BiH membership in European integration
- Report on South-eastern Europe Stability Pact project, its history and aims
- Around 200 refugees from Janja, Srebrenica and Bratunac in refugee centre Grab Potok near Banovici in very difficult living conditions and wish to return to pre-war homes
- Bosniak returnees reconstruct pre-war houses in Grapska near Doboj
- Luxembourg Government co-sponsors international two-day seminar “Education in Service of Peace” in Sarajevo
- De-segregation process of Vares primary school pupils commences at beginning of new school year
- Increase of crude oil prices in Europe causes panic – World news
- US Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with international space station
- SDA will not and cannot accept Jelavic’s proposal for abolition of “small people who committed war crimes” but supports Petritsch decision removing those who obstruct Dayton implementation
- SPO RS President Mirko Perkovic resigns from all duties in SPO
- “Vote of non-confidence in Dodik-led Government and election of Tusevljak as Chairman of BiH Council of Ministers allowed significant influence of Milosevic regime on events in BiH” – AMV President and SDP Main Board Vice President Tokic
- “Laws on privatization adopted by BiH Federation Parliament are consistent and can be implemented, meaning they are not main reason for poorly completed privatization of several companies in Sarajevo Canton area” – BiH Federation Agency for Privatization press release
- Haris Kasumovic, a student of Zenica University, killed in locality of Smetovi, near Zenica, perpetrator unknown
- International Colony of Artists opens in Pocitelj
- Josip Malkic’s novel “Kada magle stanu (When Fogs Ends)” published recently in Sarajevo – Culture
BiH TV News Summary, 9 September 2000, 19:30 News Headlines:
- Workers of Bihac-based Trgovina Company end hunger strike on day 12 because payment of back-salaries started
- Petritsch visits Bosniak returnees in Kopaci and meets with Serb Gorazde municipal officials
- Ante Jelavic attending holy memorial service dedicated to 7th anniversary of murder of 32 Croat civilians in Grabovica, calls for reconciliation, and for co-operation with The Hague Tribunal and forgiveness for “small people” who did not commit great crimes during war
- Izetbegovic delays return to BiH from Millennium Summit in New York due to pneumonia – TV BiH correspondent Envera Selimovic
- Priority for young people is education – Ganic tells panel discussion of Council of Bosniak Intellectuals (VKBI) in Sarajevo on Saturday
- Economic Prosperity Party (SPP) BiH proposes that High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch urgently considers ongoing theft of state-run property in BiH because social rebellion is possible otherwise
- DSP requests High Representative’s protection from BiH Federation House of Representatives speaker Enver Kreso, who is jeopardising the rights of house delegates
- Alternative Council of Ministers (AMV) in Banja Luka presents proposal on common BiH curriculum for Bosnian, Serb and Croat languages
- First World Congress of Perinatalna Health Workers in Developing Countries takes place in Tuzla
- Bicakcic and BiH Federation Health Ministry representatives meet with Cardio-Surgical Foundation from Geneva
- World news
- Report on 91-year-old Hasnija Demirovic from Banja Luka who needs two hours daily to walk to Merhamet soup kitchen, which operates out of house of Ahmet Cejvan, a former Banja Luka professor
- Report on difficult living condition of Stipo Travancic from Derventa, who now lives in Gaj refugee camp without any income
- TV BiH report on step-by-step resolution to problem of illegal allocation of state-owned property in Zvornik Municipality, which was resolved thanks to engagement of new local authorities and IC representatives
- UNHCR mediates in donation of four buses to Zenica public transportation company Zenicatrans that are in good condition even if they are 30 years old
- TV BiH presents member of BiH Olympic team Nedzad Fazlija at Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
- Sports
- Weather