
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 09 Dec. 1997


09 December 97, 19:30

The Bonn Conference of the Peace Implementation Council was opened today by the German FA Minister Kinkel with the words Dayton has no alternative. The first day of the session began with presentation of summaries, raised by the World’s highest diplomats, of what has been done so far in the DPA implementation. It was also stressed that non-fulfilment of the obligations will not be tolerated from now on, but sanctioned. BiH President Izetbegovic, Presidency members Zubak and Krajisnik also addressed the session. Kinkel, NATO Secretary Gen. Solana and HR Westendorp also summarised what has not been done so far, and agreed that fulfilment of the remaining issues will be a long and difficult task. In his presentation, Izetbegovic proposed several measures for the more efficient DPA implementation such as: accordance of entities constitutions with the BiH Constitution, expansion of the HR mandate, political and economic sanctions for those who obstruct Dayton, the return of refugees, arrest of war criminals, and freedom of the media. Izetbegovic also asked the international troops remain in BiH for another three years, and to extend the economic aid for the next ten years. Krajisnik disagreed with Izetbegovic about the HR mandate, and demanded free work of the Pale media, as well as the investigation on the killing of Serbs in Sarajevo. Zubak suggested that the misinterpretation of the DPA is the main problem, and said a unified state is a guarantee of peace in BiH. Zubak objected to the International Community for not determining the priorities, and asked for respect of the UN decree on minorities languages.

The House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament concluded today’s work adopting the SGV Declaration on a Human Right for Political and National Equality. HDZ representatives abandoned the session before this discussion, as it was pre-announced for a case that the declaration is included in the agenda. But, along with the HDZ representatives, all the ministers of Croat nationality also left the session. The declaration recognises all three nations in BiH as constitutive.

BiH TV news comment – Two years after Dayton and its Annex 7, Austria started to distribute permits for immigration of BiH refugees in third countries. Many of the refugees in Austria were enabled to apply for immigration into Australia, including the elders. Officials of the Refugee and DP’s Association in Tuzla said that this is an obstruction and legalisation of ethnic cleansing. They added that our refugees would perhaps be more happy if they were told when they can return to Podrinje, instead of Australia.

Mostar – OHR regional Head Sir Martin Garrod announced that the session on the opening of Mostar airport was held yesterday but with no significant progress. Sir Martin Garrod added that at the meeting, OHR suggested the establishment of a managing body which would conduct the airport until its final opening. This body would be consisted of three Bosniak and three Croat representatives, while the function of managing the airport would be trusted to an OHR representative. OSCE regional Chief Foley and Sir Martin Garrod agreed that the significant progress was made in the Government rotation in this city.

The extension of SFOR mandate was suggested yesterday by the British Parliament. The Parliament suggested new forces with a three-year mandate.