
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 04 Nov. 1997


04 November 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – BiH President Izetbegovic signed the order on promotions in the BiH Army. According to this order, six Brigadiers have been promoted to Brigade Generals. The Defense Minister deputy Mahmuljin and Army General Delic were also present at the occasion.

Washington – US President Clinton officially began consultations with Congress about the steps to be taken, regarding the US troops in Bosnia after their mandate expires in June next year.

BiH PRESS – reports that the Croatian Government has made a proposition for the establishment of special relations with BiH Federation. Croatian President Tudjman presented the document to the Croat representatives from BiH at the meeting behind the closed doors, held in Zagreb. Croatian Prime Minister Matesa and Foreign Affairs minister Granic were also present, as well as Bosnian Croat representatives Soljic, Prlic, Tomic, Zubak, Bender, Rajic and Brajkovic. Once the document is considered, it will be presented to the BiH Federation Government representatives and IC representatives.

Brcko – The donors Conference for Brcko commenced today, and continues tomorrow, with the presence of 23 foreign countries representatives, and 10 international organization representatives. OHR spokesman Bullivant said that the purpose of the conference is to develop the new ideas and research new resources for the economic revival of Brcko. The conference will be focused at three points – infrastructure rebuilding, establishment of small private companies, and resolving the problem of displaced Serbs permanent residences.

Pale – HR Westendorp talked to BiH Presidency Member Krajisnik about the implementation of decision for multi-ethnic administration in Brcko. As said by Bullivant, so far Pale authorities obstructed the implementation of Farrand’s orders, which is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The refugees will return and the multi-ethnic administration will be established, for it is Dayton and there is simply no discussion about it.

Sarajevo – RS representatives in BiH Parliament did not attend today’s session. This incited both Houses of the Parliament to address a letter to HR Westendorp in which they ask from him to influence on Pale authorities in order to stop the obstruction of the Parliament work. In the letter it is also stressed that this is the fifth time that RS representatives are absent without any explanation, and thus they purposely delay the work of the Parliament.

Sarajevo – Izetbegovic received the representatives of the US Peace Institute. The talks considered the matter of establishing committee for truth and reconciliation, whose tasks would be to show the truth about the BiH situation, responsibility for war crimes, and the reconciliation process.

CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic talked to the HR deputy Ambassador Klein. The matter of the DPA Annex 9 was especially stressed.

Mostar – BiH Federation Government brought several draft laws which will be delivered to the Federation Parliament. Several decisions have also been brought, among which the decision to pay 33 million DEM for Pensioned and Disabled Funds of the BiH Army for the 1996 and 1997. Federal Prime-Minister Bicakcic and his deputy Bilandzija confirmed that the session was very successful and said that many of the decisions were adopted while only two returned to the procedure.

According to the Herzegovina/Neretva Canton Constitution and the transferring status of Mostar city, the rotation of the leadership in Canton and city positions should have been carried out on October 23. Canton Governor Leho addressed a letter to the Canton Parliament President Bender, asking from him to take the necessary steps in order to implement the rotation principle. According to the Constitution, from the October 23, the Governor should be a Croat, and the Mayor from Bosniak people.

Sarajevo – UN spokesman McDowell said that seven out of 17 Croats, arrested for smuggling, were brought into the Court. SFOR spokesman Blakely added that seven Ukrainian soldiers involved in illegal trade are questioned by military police. OSCE spokesman Verheydn said that there is obstruction of the election results in ten municipalities.