02 February 98, 19:30
Sarajevo – Robert Gelbard, Special Envoy of the US President for implementation of the DPA in BiH, arrived in Sarajevo late this afternoon. The talks between him and Alija Izetbegovic, BiH Presidency Chairman focused on the problems for refugee and displaced people ahead of tomorrow’s Sarajevo Conference, as well as on implementation of the last local election results, problem with the war crimes indicted persons who are still at large and the role of the international powers and institutions present in BiH.
Alija Izetbegovic and Kresimir Zubak held talks with the USAID Administrator Brian Atwood ahead of tomorrow’s Conference. Atwood assured Izetbegovic and Zubak that the US will cancel all assistant programs if the Sarajevo authorities do not make proper conditions for the returns in this Canton.
Sarajevo – BiH Presidency agreed on an appointment of the BiH Ambassador to Washington today, but the name will not be made public until he receives acceptance of the US Administration for this position. The Presidency also appointed Goran Neskovic from RS, as the third Liaison Officer at the Hague Tribunal. Establishing of diplomatic relations with FRY, as well as a decision on the dual citizenship were, due to the time shortage, not discussed today, Martin Raguz, Chief of Kresimir Zubak’s Office, told the news. A decision on setting up a Croatian Consulate in Banja Luka has been postponed due to Krajisnik’s reproach that a procedure on a decision upon diplomatic relations with Croatia is being urged while the same process with FRY has not even started. At the next session, the Presidency will discuss the unique political platform as a basis for all BiH ambassadors’ guidelines in the world.
The next Presidency meeting is expected to be held on Wednesday, if the BiH Parliament accepts one of the BiH flag suggestions at tomorrow’s session, since the Presidency has to ratify this document.
BiH has received the unique licence plates for the vehicles. The promotion in Sarajevo was led by Ambassador Klein, Principal Deputy HR and Elisabeth Rehn, Special UN Envoy in BiH along with Mehmed Zilic, Federal Minister of MoI, in front of the Cantonal Ministry for Internal Affairs. This is a big step forward, but not the only one in the last weeks in BiH, Klein told the news. The year 1998 is a good year for a peace in this country, he concluded.Follows technical details and information that the first 4,000 licence plates were funded by the OHR.
The DPA is definitely receiving acceleration, Ambassador Schumacher said in Banja Luka at the presentation of the new licence plates. He himself changed the plates on one of the vehicles of the RS Government. SFOR Commander General Shinseki attended the event, but although it was foreseen, neither Prime Minister Dodik nor President Plavsic were present, for unknown reasons. Is it a result of the Radical and SDS representatives orchestrated media attacks against the two leaders in which they named acceptance of the united licence plates as an act of treason, an anchor said. They accused Plavsic and Dodik of leading RS into a unitary BiH by accepting this common solution. This is a very wrong decision, assessed Krajisnik after the Presidency session adding that such a solution (common plates) does not exist even in the countries which representatives have forced it here. Contrary to such thoughts, the passers by in the Federation and RS asked to give their judgement on common plates, all expressed their satisfaction.
Brcko – Follows a lengthy piece on the licence plates presentation in Brcko. Includes Robert Farrand’s speech at the presentation.
Sarajevo – A meeting of the Federal Brcko Arbitration Commission was held in Sarajevo today attended by representatives of the OHR and US Embassy. Mato Tadic, a member of the Federal Arbitration Commission said that the Croatian members will not attend the meetings, citing as one of the problems the newly built up villages Cerik and Bukovik, which were meant as transit accommodation for the expelled Brckans, but in which still only Bosniaks are living. Ambassador Lamont, one of the HR Deputies expressed his concerns regarding these differences on the Brcko issue.