
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 17/3/2006

Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on March 17


BH Radio 1 (12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

Unhealthy sardine tins at BiH market

ICJ: witnesses’ depositions started

RS NA adopted RS budget for 2006

Venice Com. on BiH Presid. election

Ljajic: no more talk on Mladic

Sacirbej to withdraw DA’ signature

NATO on BiH’s admit. in PfP

‘Spedicija Bugojno’ protests

Vienna: 2nd round of talks on KosMet

TV news broadcast on March 16


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

7th anniversary of Leutar’s murder

HR on OHR-OSCE cooperation

BiH flag burned down in Brcko

ICTY convicts two BiH Army officers

SAA talks to be held on March 17th

7th anniversary of Leutar murder

HVIDRA criticizes Kubura sentence

BiH Parliament on higher education

Milosevic’s casket displayed

Reactions on ICTY judgement

BiH CoM in session

B 92 to sue the attackers


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

BiH flag burned in Brcko

FBiH Govt on raped women

HR addresses OSCE Council

Gojko Jankovic pleaded not guilty

Jankovic pleads not guilty

RS NA session

Stanisic, Simatovic plea not guilty

Exhumation in Snagovo

Live report from RS NA session

30 bodies exhumed in Snagovo

Boyle on BiH vs. SCG lawsuit

Milosevic’s case displayed



SCG claims that RAM did not exist (BiH lawsuit against SCG)

Dnevni Avaz

[BiH Chief Prosecutor Jurcevic] I have perfect cooperation with Novic and SIPA

Dnevni List

Thieves destroyed Orthodox cemetary (Orthodox cemetary in Mostar vandalized)

Vecernji List

Security system is being taken over by UDBA people (on issuing ranks to police forces in BiH)

Slobodna Dalmacija

They got 7,5 years for murder of 4000 Croats (sentence to Kubura and Hadzihasanovic by ICTY)

Nezavisne Novine

Lange: Your must respect contracts

Glas Srpske

They came, murdered and went


Nobody wanted dead man (Milosevic)

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related topics



RS NA adopted 2006 draft budget in the amount of 1,098 billion KM

Srna, RTRS Radio News – Sometime after midnight , RS NA adopted RS budget for 2006 in the proposed amount (1,098 billion KM) with 51 votes pro, 22 against, and 2 abstained from voting. RS NA also adopted Law on implementation of the RS budget for 2006. 70 MP’s supported this.

NATO spokesperson: BiH in PfP upon Karadzic, Mladic’s arrest

RHBDuring the visit of BiH and SCiG journalists to Brussels NATO spokesperson James Appathurai stated that BiH will not become a Partnership for Peace member as long as war crimes indictees Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic are at large.    

Muhamed Sacirbej to withdraw DA’ signature


RTRS news – Muhamed Sacirbej, former BH foreign minister, has announced he would withdraw his signature from the Dayton Peace Accords, demanding its review. He is of the view that this Document has obtained a new legal context.



Jankovic pleads not guilty before BiH Court ; indicted for war crimes in Foca





Hayat, PINK, BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Jankovic pleaded not guilty’ not signed Dnevni Avaz pg 12 ‘Gojko Jankovic pleaded that indictment is shameful’ by Aj.D., Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Jankovic pleaded not guilty’ by A.Dzozo, EuroBlic RSpg 3 ‘I am not guilty’ by N.B., Dnevni List pg 6 ‘Jankovic: I am not guilty’ by NINA, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Jankovic pleaded not guilty’ by hGojko Jankovic on Thursday pleaded not guilty to all counts of the indictment charging him with war crimes committed in Foca. Jankovic surrendered on March 14, 2005, to The Hague Tribunal, which transferred this case to the Court of BiH. He is indicted for the crimes committed between April 1992 and February 1993, which includes unlawful imprisonment, torturing, killing and sexual abuse of non-Serbs in Foca and neighbouring villages.

Seventh anniversary since murder of FBiH Deputy Interior Minister Leutar; case not even close to solution


BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Seventh anniversary of Jozo Leutar’s murder marked’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Years of futile investigations and trials’, mentioned on cover by A.T., Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Why perpetrators have not been found yet?!’, mentioned on cover ‘Assassins are still at large’ by R. Dautefendic, Vecernji List pg 3 ‘Innocent ones without compensation, Leutar did not get his street’ by V. Begic, Slobodna Dalmacija pg 14 ‘Wreaths on place where Leutar got killed’ not signed Sarajevo marked 7th anniversary of FBiH Deputy Minister of Interior Jozo Leutar’s murder. Still, no one has been charged for the crime. [Leutar was killed in 1999, an investigation was carried out and several Croats were indicted and acquitted of charges, an investigation that was subsequently launched is still ongoing].  RHB – HDZ issued a statement, emphasizing the fact that, seven years after the murder of Jozo Leutar, the organizers and perpetrators of this terrorist act have not yet been discovered.

GS says crimes mujahedeens committed in BiH will go unpunished


Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘They came, murdered and went’ – In regard to ICTY verdicts pronounced against two former senior BiH Army commanders, Amir Kubura and Enver Hadzihasanovic (sentenced to 2,5 and 5 years respectively), daily raises the issue of whether the crimes mujahedeens, who were under command of Hadzihasanovic, committed in BiH would ever be punished, adding that judging by the verdict, those crimes against Serbs and Croats would go unpunished. Darko Trifunovic, MA holder in international law, reminds mujahedeens came to BiH before spring 1992, noting that “if HR Christian Schwarz Schilling says there was nothing disputable in arrival of mujahedeens in BiH, what can be expect then from anybody else.”Slobodna Dalmacija, front pg splash and pgs 10-11 ‘They got 7,5 years for murder of 4000 Croats’, by Zvonimir Cilic, Dnevni List, pg 3 ‘Hadzihasanovic and Kubura awarded for killing and persecution’, by Ivica Glibusic, Vecernji List, pg 4 ‘He recommended medal for mujahiddin via Alija’, by Zoran Kresic, Ana Drmac, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Both Bosniaks and Croats disappointed by the verdict’ not signed – also report on discontent over verdicts against the two.

Barac, Dukic, Zurovac: sentences to Hadzihasanovic and Kubura are too mild;

Svrakic: the two defended their country, shouldn’t have been sentenced at all

Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Insult for Serb and Croat victims’ by S.Karic – The article carries several reactions on ICTY verdict against Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura (President of the Association of families of missing and killed persons from Central Bosnia region, Fabijan Barac, Branislav Dukic, President of the SPONA and Dusan Zurovac, President of East Sarajevo seated Association investigating crimes against Serbs) expressing disappointment over verdicts saying the verdicts are too mild. Glas Srpske pg 5 ‘Nobody trusts court’ – also carries Barac’s statement, as well as statement of Emin Svrakic, President of the Association of “Green Berets”, who says that verdicts are ridiculous, since the two were defending their own country, i.e. they should not been sentenced at all.

NN op-ed: culprits for mild sentences against F BiH Army officers are ICTY Prosecution and B. Luka and Mostar judicial bodies;

DL criticizes mild sentences to fmr BiH Army commanders passed by ICTY


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Slap for justice’ by Dragan Risojevic – With regard to ICTY verdicts pronounced against Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura, the author concludes ICTY concluded there was no crimes organised in the territory under control of Alija Izetbegovic. As main culprit for the fact that no responsibility of R BiH Army for crimes has been determined, the author refers to ICTY Chief Prosecutor’s Office (that has devoted all its capacities to the crimes committed against Bosniaks), but also against judicial bodies in Banja Luka and Mostar, that have not engaged in transferring evidence to the ICTY in the past, but instead devoted to hiding of “their own” crime. Dnevni List, pg 2 ‘Crime without punishment’, by Ivica Glibusic – the author slams the verdicts saying the sentences are showing the ICTY is not judging evidences, it is rather passing political verdicts the aim of which is to bend the real into false truth that would serve the international powers that be. In the other part of the op-ed, the author complains that war crimes against Bosniaks are much more widely covered by public media than crimes committed against the Croats.

CoM Chair Terzic: Karadzic and Mladic are not in BiH, their supporting nets have to be destroyed


RHB, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Karadzic and Mladic are not in BiH’, Dnevni List pg 2 ‘Karadzic and Mladic are not in BiH’ not signed, Vecernji List pg 12 ‘To destroy network of supporters’ by H– During his official visit to Vienna, where he attended meeting of Peace Implementation Council’s Political Directors, Chair of BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic said that two most wanted ICTY indictees, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, are not in BiH. Terzic stressed that organized groups support Mladic and Karadzic and everything has to be done so they would be destroyed.

BiH Chief Prosecutor Jurcevic: There is no ‘Andan case’, there is only large investigation on organized crime


Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 5 ‘We cooperate perfectly with Novic and SIPA’ by Husein Orahovac – Commenting possible establishment of agency for forceful expropriation, in an interview for DA, BiH Chief Prosecutor Marinko Jurcevic said that he is against that idea, noting that there are already institutions that are authorised for such job, stressing that the essence problem would be handling with the property once it has been taken away. Asked to comment ‘Andan case’, Jurcevic explicitly stated: “There is no such thing as ‘Andan case’ in BiH Prosecution. There is a large investigation on organized crime. Investigation is heading, if one may say so, in three directions: drugs dealing, fictive firms and tax evasion and financial support for ICTY fugitives.” He said that Prosecution perfectly cooperates with SIPA and its Director Sredoje Novic, adding that SIPA provided information for the mentioned large-scales investigation.

NN op-ed supportive of RS Govt. announcements regarding fight against organised crime / appeal to citizens to aid in this


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Each side wins’ by Goran Petrovic – In regard to the latest reports published in NN regarding investigation being launched against senior officials of SDS and RS MoI on aiding war crime suspects, the author expresses surprise this information was not carried in Serbian media, noting as if “brothers in arms, smuggling and false patriotism” on the other side of Drina river have pledged to silence and preservation of business secrets. He is supportive of announcements the new RS Government has given regarding fight against crime, appealing to citizens of RS and Serbia to unite in the fight against crime.

Weekly from Split spotted fugitive Ante Jelavic in a Split cafe


Feral Tribune, pgs 11-12 ‘Fugitive in café’, mentioned on front ‘Feral’s reporters photographed Ante Jelavic in Split’, by Vladimir Matijanic – reporters of the Split-based weekly unexpectedly came across a former member of BiH Presidency and HDZ BiH President, Ante Jelavic, at a café ‘Corazon Espinada’ in Split. Jelavic has been found guilty by the BiH Court and sentenced to 10 years of prison for embezzlement of money in the ‘Hercegovacka bank’ case. He fled BiH just prior to the sentencing. Jutarnji List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Jelavic sought after in Bosnia, Feral ‘caught’ him in Split’, by Ivica Profaca – retells Feral’s article.

RS President says Mirko Sarovic should defend himself while free


Glas Srpske pg 2 inset ‘Sarovic’ – During his visit to Bijeljina Thursday, Dragan Cavic, RS President, stated that beyond all laws and regulations, Mirko Sarovic, former SDS President, is in prison instead of defending himself while free. (Sarovic is suspected for illegal activities related to operations of Privredna Bank East Sarajevo.) He referred to the cases of Dragan Covic, Mato Tadic, Hasan Cengic, saying Sarovic should also be allowed to defend himself while free.


Milosevic death/update

Milosevic to be buried on Saturday in Pozarevac








RHB, PINK, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Oslobodjenje cover splash and pgs 4-5 ‘Milosevic’s body displayed in Museum of Revolution on force’ by Branislav Boskov– daily carries two full pages dedicated to Milosevic’s funeral. Dnevni Avaz pg 20 ‘Ultimate provocation of Milosevic’s adversaries’ not signed, EuroBlic cover pf splash, pgs 4-5 ‘Nobody wanted a dead man’ by Ivana Cvetkovic The Pozarevac Municipal Council approved on Thursday that the funeral service of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic would take place on Saturday in the courtyard of his family home in the very centre of the city. Municipal Council also decided that Saturday would be proclaimed an official day of mourning in the municipality. The coffin of Slobodan Milosevic has been transferred from the private morgue within the ‘Sv.Sava’ hospital to the Museum of Revolution in Belgrade. Less than 1,000 people gathered in front of the museum, to pay their last respects to Milosevic. Serbian media reported that, so far, only Byelorussian President Alexander Lukashenko announced that he would attend the funeral in Pozarevac. It was also announced that Milosevic’s widow Mirjana Markovic would arrive in Belgrade on Friday. Vecernji List pg 12 ‘Police intervened because of Milosevic’s coffin’ by Z. Jurilj, Slobodna Dalmacija pgs 6 and 7 ‘Slobo’s coffin met with stampedo in Dedinje’ by T. Klauski carry that police had to intervene because of crowding of Milosevic’s supporters at the entrance of the museum where Milosevic’s body was exhibited.

International press notes fewer people than expected paid tribute to Milosevic in Belgrade


Guardian, BBC, Financial Times, The Independent, Times, NYT, IHTand Wall Street Journal – all reported on preparations for Slobodan Milosevic’s funeral. While Guardian, BBC, FT mainly focus on the relatively small number of people that gathered to pay tribute to Milosevic in Belgrade, The Independent carries a reaction of West-leaning Civil Alliance Party that was madden at authorities by the fact that Milosevic’s body will be displayed in Belgrade. The Times notes he [Milosevic] will be buried as a martyr, in grand style, and his grave will become a place of Serbian nationalist pilgrimage, while the victims of the four wars he launched still lie, in their thousands, in unmarked graves.

ICTY stripped confidentiality mark from documents on his illness and medical treatment


BHT1– The ICTY decided to have confidentiality mark stripped of several documents on Slobodan Milosevic’s illness and medical treatment due to investigation, which has been conducted on his death. Media in Belgrade have been speculating a lot lately on reasons why Russia is interested in Milosevic’s case as well as in supporting his family. Belgrade analysts agree that after having Milosevic removed from the position, relation between Serbia and Russia changed a lot.


BiH lawsuit vs. SiCG

SiCG team before ICJ claims that current regime can’t be blamed because of Milosevic; among SCG witnesses BiH Ombudsman






BHT1, FTV, RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘No genocide was proved’ by Agencies, Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Suit without a cover’,  Oslobodjenje cover splash, pg 7 ‘SCG claims that RAM did not exist’ by Nagorka Idrizovicby Nagorka Idrizovic– The main hearing in the BiH’s lawsuit against SCG before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has been continued on Thursday. SCG team has ended its seven-day presentation. In its presentation, SCG team spoke about period of Slobodan Milosevic’s reign. The team pointed out that current SCG authorities should not be punished for acts, which took place during Milosevic’s regime. SCG team claims that it has proved that genocide was not committed in BiH and that difference between ethnical cleansing and genocide has to be made. While analyzing evidences BiH team had presented, SCG legal representative Ian Brownly called BiH’s presentation incoherent and unclear. HayatSCG announced that would present testimonies of eight witnesses: former high-ranked SCG official Zoran Lilic, Vladimir Lukic, BiH Ombudsman Vitomir Popovic, General Michael Rose, court expert Jean Paul Sadron, Dragoljub Micunovic, former SCG Minister of Interior Dusan Mihajlovic and Vladimir Milicevic.

Head of BiH team Softic: SCG failed to deny essence of lawsuit

Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Softic: SCG failed to deny essence of lawsuit’ by A.M. – Commenting end of first phase of argumentation, Head of BiH legal team Sakib Softic said that SCG legal tem failed to deny essence of BiH lawsuit against SCG.

RS NA to hold special session on 23rd March regarding BH suit against SiCG


Glas Srpske pg 3 ‘Specially about Declaration’, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘AT special session about suit’, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Lawsuit BiH against SCG on agenda of RS NA’ by O.V.­ – The Collegium of the RS NA Thursday decided to hold a special session of RS NA on 23 March, which would discuss the Declaration on diplomatic settlement of suit between BiH and SICG before International Court of Justice (ICJ). Tarik Sadovic, Head of SDA Caucus, told the press that SDA did not support decision regarding holding of NA session, noting that diplomatic settlement of suit would equate with search after compromise, underlining no compromise can be made about truth. 

RS PM reiterates BH suit against SiCH is illegitimate


Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Suit is untenable’ – Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, Thursday reiterated that the BH suit against SiCG before ICJ was “illegitimate and illegal”, adding: “We are of the view the suit introduces additional political disagreement in the BiH itself and that it would have long-lasting consequences upon political perception of relations in BiH.”Dnevni List pg 5 ‘BiH’s lawsuit against SCiG influences weakening of confidence’ not signed – also reported.

Oslobodjenje op-ed: With whom and how to annul RS PM Dodik’s strategy of favouring RS over BiH

Oslobodjenje pg 9 ‘BiH by Dodik’ by Zija Dizdarevic – Commenting statements of RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik who said that war in BiH was a civil war, that situation in BiH and in Kosovo are similar and constantly favouring RS over BiH etc, editorial reads that we would have to wait some time before we get an answer “with whom and how to annul this strategy [of favouring RS over BiH]?


Political developments

Schwarz-Schilling addresses OSCE Council; cooperation between OHR and OSCE






PINK– Prior to HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling’s address before OSCE Council in Vienna, OHR Spokesperson Ljlljana Radetic stressed that HR will speak on ways in which cooperation between OHR and OSCE will be optimised. Radetic reminded that OHR’s operational capacity has changed significantly whilst OSCE will have a permanent and important engagement in BIH. She added that HR would propose forming of joint group Chaired by Senior Deputy Peter Bas-Backer that will coordinate OHR and OSCE activities in the area of election, education, human rights and judicial reform. RTRS– The HR addressed OSCE Council in Vienna and stated that he has no intention to use Bonn powers in BIH. HR stated that he would use them only if stability, peace and ICTY cooperation are endangered. Pink – The HRdeems that October elections in BIH will decide on success or failure of BIH transition towards market economy and its membership in Euro-Atlantic integrations. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Result of general elections in October is important for BiH’, mentioned on cover not signed, Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘I do not intend to apply Bonn powers in BiH’ by Agencies, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Bosnia still in need of International community” by BETA, EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘Elections to determine success of BH’ by SRNA, Vecernji List pg 2 ‘OSCE supported OHR’s activities’ by S. Herak – also reported.

EU dissatisfied with conduct of BH authorities in the field of trade


Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash, pg 2 ‘Lange: Your must respect contracts’ by M.Cubro,Dirk Lange, Trustee for BiH and Albania at the European Commission’ Enlargement Commission, Thursday stated in Sarajevo that the European Union is not satisfied with the conduct of BiH authorities  in the field of trade with the neighbouring states and EU states. He provided two examples for this, first referring to beer import from Slovenia, while second one is related to “dispute about import of agricultural products from the neighbouring states, with which BH has signed agreements on free trade.” He gave the statement during the break if the 2nd meeting of the Reform Processes Monitoring Team in BiH (RMP), comprised of the representatives of the EC and BH authorities and in sessions prior to every round of SAA talks with BH. Lange did not want to comment whether SAA talks would be suspended if F BiH Law on PBS were not harmonised with the European standards and state Law on PBS. EuroBlic RSpg 2 ‘EU dissatisfied’ by D.S.Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘European Commission irritated by problems in trade’ M.K.S, Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Trade moves of BiH irritate EU’ by D.P. Mandic – also reported.

Head of EU Delegation to BiH Humphreys: Cooperation with ICTY is condition for continuation of integrations

Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Cooperation with ICTY – a condition for continuation of integrations’ by S.Numanovic – Head of EU Delegation to BiH Michael Humphreys said for DA that cooperation with ICTY is key condition for progress in talks between EU and Western Balkan countries, adding that no one questions that future of BiH is in Europe. Inset ‘FBiH Law on PBS is not good’ – Humphreys said that FBiH Law on Public Broadcasting Service [PBS] is not in accordance with the State Law and that it has to be changed in FBiH House of Peoples.

SDA denied speculations that their deputies will not support initiative for removal of FBiH President Lozancic; SDA’s Tihic: I will not support the initiative if there are no strong reasons for removal


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Initiative on removal of Lozancic to be discussed in extraordinary session’ by Ad.H. – SDA Caucus President in FBiH House of Representatives Semsudin Mehmedovic denied speculations that SDA deputies will not support initiative for removal of FBiH President Niko Lozancic, adding that it is up to each deputy to decide. Mehmedovic said that there are reasonable reasons for President’s removal, since he is responsible for crisis that hit FBiH. Mehmedovic noted that there could be one extraordinary session for discussion of the issue, in which Lozancic would also present his arguments on his work. Oslobodjenje pg 10 ‘SDA neither against nor in favour of Niko Lozancic’ by S.Sehercehajic – Article carries that SDA leader Sulejman Tihic stated for daily that he does not support initiative for removal of FBiH President Niko Lozancic if there are not strong and necessary reasons for this. Inset ‘Disobedient deputies’ – HDZ spokesperson Miso Relota said this party supports Lozancic, adding that some HDZ deputies are being disobedient by breaching the Party Statute and not accepting decisions of party leaders.

DA op-ed: Initiative for removal of FBiH President is cheap political game

Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Petitions and signatures for pre-elections points’ op-ed by Admir Malagic – Commenting initiative for removal of FBiH President Niko Lozancic, editorial reads that it may be understood seriously if only elections are not just couple months away, stressing that these cheap political games would only further block work of FBiH institutions.

Jahic (MP, SDA): BiH Council of Ministers will not be removed


Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘No removal of Council of Ministers’, not signed – An MP in BiH Parliament, Elmir Jahic (SDA), stated that the recently started initiative the aim of which is to remove the BiH Council of Ministers (started by MPs Gligoric, Kunic and Blagojevic) will not be supported by the parliamentary majority. Jahic says the initiative is a part of pre-election campaign. Jahic’s statement was originally aired by Bijeljina-based ‘BN TV’.

SB: Cavic uses all means to defeat Dodik, even showing him as paranoid politician


Slobodna Bosna pgs 14-15 ‘In Last days RS President Cavic with his police-intelligence machinery intimidates Dodik with threats that he would be liquidated’ by S.S.– Weekly reads that RS President Dragan Cavic is preparing election campaign, intended for destruction of new RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik. Allegedly, Cavic hiredintelligence officials ‘once close to Radovan Karadzic’ which along with ‘his media’ should be spreading ‘false information’. According to weekly, they recruited SIPA Director Sredoje Novic, trough whom they informed Dodik that ‘berets from Serbia’ are planning to murder him. As weekly reads, Dodik ‘fell’ for this and increased number of security, which was exactly Cavic’s intention – to present Dodik as paranoid, ill and scary politician. Inset ‘Cavic hired former Interior Minister Darko Matijasevic in his Cabinet’- commenting on fact that Cavic employed Darko Matijasevic, former RS Interior Minister as Advisor, weekly ironically comments that this is a man whom Cavic recently accused for wiretapping him, so he probably realized that it is better for Matijasevic “to spy for him than on him”.

CRA Director Huseinovic accuses BiH Minister Dokic for creating political pressure

Dani pgs 44-45 ‘Dokic’s fight for tens of million Euro’ by Vildana Selimbegovic – Commenting recent SIPA raids on Communication Regulatory Agency [CRA], in an interview for Dani, CRA Director Kemal Huseinovic accuses BiH Minister of Transport and Communications Branko Dokic [PDP] for creating political pressure on issue of permissions for third mobile operator.


Constitutional changes

Constitutional talks to continue on Saturday; HDZ says it would not sign anything that strengthens entities













BHT1– According to announcements, talks on constitutional changes should continue on Saturday and it is expected that issue of BiH President and Vice- Presidents election would be solved until then. The US Ambassador to BiH Douglas McElhaney made it clear – the meeting between BiH political leaders will last as long as it takes for the first phase to be ended. SDA believes that the Resolution presents support and that progress has been achieved so far. SNSD states that no one has the right to keep someone as hostage, not even those who call on suspending the talks. Party for BiH also disagrees with reached solutions; it says that they disunite the state. “We are not going to support such constitutional changes”, said Party for BiH representative Beriz Belkic. HDZ announced that it would not sign constitutional changes, stating that the proposed changes strengthened entities instead of state. Croat Caucus in BiH Parliaments called on HDZ officials to leave the talks since they damage Croats in BiH. “I can only say that nothing has been signed so far, I understand fears…but we are not going to sign something which would make position of Croats in BiH more complex”, said HDZ Spokesperson Miso Relota. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘American Senators did not scare HDZ’ by Az.Kalamujic – carries Relota’s statement, Hayat- carried announcement of continuation of talks. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Agreement on election manner of BH Presidency’ by M.C., Dnevni List, pg 7 ‘Continuation of constitutional changes scheduled for tomorrow’, not signed – SDA’ Almir Zukic, Thursday announced that agreement on election of BH Presidency members should be reached on Saturday when talks on constitutional changes should resume. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Agreement on election manner of BH Presidency’ by M.C., Vecernje Novosti pg 5 ‘Constitution asap’, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Constitution’, Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Relota: Signature depends of depends of right of Croats to elect Presidency member’ – SDS President Dragan Cavic stated that in his opinion talks should continue as soon as possible. He also stated that talks might continue on Saturday depending on the obligations of participants.

VL: US Ambassador McElhaney wants to wrap up 1st phase of constitutional talks this weekend


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Order by USA: You must reach agreement’, by Zoran Kresic – According to VL, the US administration is resolute to complete the first phase of constitutional changes talks during the forthcoming weekend. Namely, the US Ambassador to BiH, Douglas McElhaney, has sent leaders of 7 political parties (HNZ, HDZ, SDA, SDP, SNSD, PDP and SDS) an invitation that talks should start tomorrow (Saturday) at 1000 hrs, and the invitation allegedly says that they (party leaders), “stay for as long as necessary to complete the negotiations”. In light of this, VL does not rule out possible pressures against party leaders. Inset ‘Silajdzic’s SBIH excluded’ says the SBiH has not received the invitation. In also reports that it looks likely that the HNZ leader, Milenko Brkic, will reject the proposed constitutional changes if the entity vote in BiH Parliament remains in place.

HSS President Tadic against proposed constitutional changes


Slobodna Dalmacija, pgs 10-11, mentioned on front ‘Constitution as rope around neck’, by Miroslav Landeka – President of HSS (Croat Peasants Party), Marko Tadic, says the situation in which representatives of the IC and Bosniak and Serb parties are holding talks on constitutional changes without Croat representatives sends a strong message to the Croats that they are not perceived as an equal political partner any more i.e. that decision can be made without them. Regarding the proposed constitutional changes, Tadic notes they will deprive the Croats of way to defend their national interests.

SDA: Resolution is good guarantee for continuation of talks; HNZ supports const. changes but not at any cost; S BiH party will not support agreement made without Croats


Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘American Senators did not scare HDZ’ by Az.Kalamujic – Commenting on UN Congress’ Resolution on constitutional changes, which reads US supports Euro-Atlantic aspirations of BiH, SDA leader Sulejman Tihic expresses conviction Resolution is a good guarantee that talks would continue. Tihic claims that resolution can be differently interpreted, saying it supports parties in search for consensus. SDS Vice President Mladen Bosic claims that Resolution is an act that upholds current US policy toward BiH. Leader of HNZ Milenko Brkic doesn’t consider the Resolution as the law, stressing that he supports constitutional changes, but not if they are to be made at any cost. SBiH official Safet Halilovic stated that Resolution confirms stances of their party, since it speaks about single BiH. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘SBiH is against agreement that damages Croats’ by Husein Orahovac – Halilovic said that his party would not support “an attempt to finish the process of constitutional changes by establishing some kind of Serb-Bosniak agreement. Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘No functional state with ethnic and entity voting’ by E.Sarac – SBiH founder Haris Silajdzic said that Resolution supports consolidation of state structure and erase of entity and political division from Dayton Peace Agreement.

DL: Russia undermines constitutional changes in BiH via Croatian PM Sanader


Dnevni List, pg 6 ‘Changes to BiH Constitution conditioned with constitutional status of Serbs in Croatia’, by M. Batarello – DL learns from sources close to ‘ruling institutions’ in Croatia that the Russian diplomacy has been in past months pressuring the Croatian PM, Ivo Sanader, with an aim to undermine constitutional negotiations in BiH in order to save the RS and maintain its influence in the Balkans. Namely, Russia has threatened PM Sanader it would ask from the Contact Group that the Serbs in Croatia be given the status of a constitutional people, unless Sanader undermines the constitutional negotiations in BiH via people loyal to him within the HDZ. DL also comments that a ‘pro-Serb mood’ in Russia is growing, which is evident from latest resolution of the Russian Duma that condemned the work of the ICTY.



RS Budget for 2006 in amount of KM1, 098 billion budget foresees increase of salaries for budget users







RTRS, Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Dodik: Budget will be adopted’ by V.Popovic, Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Bag full of amendments’ by Z.Markovic – RS National Assembly discussed RS budget proposal for 2006. Budget in the amount of KM 1,098 billion is for 16% higher than in 2005 and the biggest income is expected from indirect taxes. RS Finance Minister Aleksandar Dzombic announced increase of salaries for budget users. He added that the increases would go towards RS Ministry of Interior, RS Education Ministry, elementary education, high school education, culture institutions, RS secretariat for sport and youth, court police, RS public attorney and other users. Chair of RS Trade Union Ranka Misic stated that the Unions are pleased with proposed budget. Rade Rakulj from RS Pensioners Association didn’t have many objections as well since budget provides increase of resources for Pension Disability and Invalid Fund. RS NA deputies adopted a report on audit of consolidated reports of budget and budget users for 2004. RS Chief auditor Bosko Ceko stated that members of international community support the independence of RS audit service. RTRS late news– RS National Assembly deputies still haven’t adopted 2006 budget proposal. Reporter comments that RS Prime minister Milorad Dodik and RS Ministers are discussing amendments submitted by RS NA deputies so voting on the budget could take place on Thursday night.

RS NA adopted Report on work of RS Chief Audit Office


Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Passing grade to auditors’ by G.D.-Z.M. – At Thursday’s resumption of RS NA session, the RS MP’s have adopted Report of the Parliamentary Board for economy and Finances regarding discussion on Report of RS Chief Audit Office for 2004. Short discussion on Report pointed at need for a better coordination and cooperation between the Audit Office, Prosecution and police in cases when Audit Office suspects cases involves severe elements of criminal act.

SDS’ Stojicic elected to monitor privatisation process


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘Kalinic was Commission member until yesterday’ – Igor Radojicic, RS NA Speaker, was elected member of the Joint Commission of the RS NA and RS COP instead of Dragan Kalinic, who was treated member of this Commission until yesterday but received no allowance for that. SDSDusan Stojicic was elected to monitor the implementation of the privatisation process.

CoM asks for exemption of old foreign currency savings from meeting on succession


RHB, BHT1, PINK – BiH Council of Ministers authorised BiH Minister of Finance and Treasury Ljerka Maric to request that the item regarding the old foreign currency savings in banks, which did not have the status of juristic subject in BiH, be removed from the agenda of the meeting on succession of former Yugoslavia, scheduled for March 21 in Slovenia. According to BiH Deputy Defence Minister Enes Becirbasic, BiH CoM deems that Slovenian ‘Ljubljanska’ Bank and Invest Bank from Serbia-Montenegro have to fulfil their obligations towards BiH citizens.



VL: SIPA Director Novic wants that years in service in fmr Yugoslav intelligence be one of criteria for awarding of police ranks


Vecernji List, front pg splash and pg 3 ‘Security system is being taken over by UDBA people’, by Dejan Jazvic – VL unofficially learns that the Director of SIPA, Sredoje Novic, has made the issue of awarding of ranks to police officials at state and entity level even more complicated when he recently recommended that years of service in UDBA (former infamous Yugoslav security agency) be acknowledged i.e. taken into consideration during the process of awarding of ranks. Allegedly, Novic made the proposal at a recent meeting of principals of BiH police and other security agencies that was also attended by representatives of the IC. VL notes it is disgraceful that Novic’s proposal will be taken into consideration, adding that he (Novic) spent many years in UDBA.

BiH Parliament’s Constitutionally-legal commission finished draft of Law on High Education


PINK– Representatives of constitution-legal commissions of both House of BIH Parliament stressed that law on high education is a priority for reform in this area. They announced conclusions of public discussions held on this issue in 8 University centres in BIH. Chair of constitutional-legal commission Mirsad Ceman stated that it was stressed that BIH needs a law on science-research work, law on student standard and law on student organisations. Member of the commission from BIH House of Representatives Beriz Belkic stated that the working group for making of text of law on high education has nearly completed its work. Belkic stressed that this law foresees establishment of 2 agencies at the state level – one to deal with development of high education and second to serve as state information centre. Belkic also stressed that according to law proposal financing of Universities would not be changed. Hayat– Belkic claims the Draft Law on High Education in BiH could enter the parliamentary procedure in a few-days time. Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Law asap’ by Z.D., Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Politics blocks high education reform’ by D.P.Mandic– also reported.

Chairman of BiH Commission for Return Marinovic insists Croat and Bosniak unreconstructed houses in Derventa must stay


Vecernji List, pg 5 ‘Only Schilling can prevent destruction of houses’, by Eldina Medunjanin – According to VL, municipal authorities of Derventa are planning to go ahead with the destruction of unreconstructed housing facilities owned by expelled Bosniaks and Croats despite the letter by the Chairman of BiH Commission for Return, Ivica Marinovic, who insisted that the decision be annulled. Marinovic told VL that he would not give up his position, therefore he will ask in writing from the Head of Municipality, Milorad Simic, to annul the decision, otherwise he (Marinovic) will ask for an intervention from the High Representative.