01/15/2014 OHR

OHR welcomes temporary measure by the FBiH Constitutional Court


The OHR warmly welcomes today’s decision of the FBiH Constitutional Court on a temporary measure enabling the Minister of Finance of the FBiH to remain in office until the case pending before the Court is decided on its merits.

The temporary measure of the Court is in line with the principle of continuity of office, which the OHR has always advocated to ensure functionality of institutions, in the interests of the citizens they are there to serve.

By taking immediate action under difficult circumstances, the Court today averted a serious crisis and showed that the institutions of this country have the capacity to resolve problems. We expect this decision and any future decisions of the Court to be implemented immediately.

All parties in the Federation now need to ensure the proper functioning of institutions and to refrain from any actions that will undermine their basic functions.