09/12/2009 OHR

OHR Inventory Team Established

The OHR inventory team is established and will start working next week on compiling an inventory of state property. Fulfilment of this task is one of the five objectives set by the Peace Implementation Council for OHR transition to EUSR.

An accurate and complete inventory of state properties is a precondition to a political solution to this issue. It is regrettable that the Inventory Working Group established by the Council of Ministers six months ago has not even started working. In order to make progress on this issue the High Representative today took a decision by which he set the framework for the OHR inventory team, thus enabling them to begin working in the field. The team will compile information based on the decision by the Council of Ministers in 2004. Once completed, the inventory will be given to the BiH authorities to take a decision on apportionment of the property.