05/14/2009 OHR / EUSR

No Individual Can Be Above the Law; There Can Be No Space Beyond the Law


The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, today reiterated the paramount importance of maintaining the rule of law and gave his full support to BiH’s legitimate judicial institutions; the Court of BiH, the BiH Prosecutor’s Office and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council.

Meeting in Sarajevo with BH Court President Meddzida Kreso, Chief Prosecutor Milorad Barasin, and HJPC President Milorad Novakovic the High Representative and EU Special Representative (HR/EUSR) Valentin Inzko noted that “the rule of law is based on a simple truth – that everyone is born equal, therefore is equal before the law and nobody is above or beyond the law.  

The rule of law is at the core of a democratic country with efficient and reliable institutions. A functioning and credible judicial system in BiH is intrinsically in the interest of all its citizens. The responsibility of BiH politicians is the greatest for creating such a system. “By their behaviour, they set the standard, for which they will be held accountable.”

Each official and every level of authority must furthermore fully co-operate with the judicial institutions of BiH by ensuring that they can exercise their responsibilities throughout BiH unimpeded. This is a core value of the EU. There can be no compromise on this if BiH’s route to Europe is to remain open.

HR/EUSR Inzko agreed with the BH Court President, the State Prosecutor and the HJPC President that the presence of international officials in the Court of BH should be extended. “Ensuring that the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Office of the Prosecutor of Bosnia and Herzegovina are able to work at full capacity is an absolute priority,” he said.

The departure of judges from panels on which they sit could result in delays to war-crimes proceedings before the court; “This would be painful for the families of the victims and unfair to the accused, who have a right to expect to be convicted or to be cleared.”