10/01/2001 OHR Sarajevo

New OHR Web Page


The Office of the High Representative is pleased to announce that a redesigned and updated OHR Web Page has gone on-line today – at the same address as before: https://www.ohr.int

The new Web Site features up-to-date web-page presentation and clearly displays OHR’s political priorities and organisational structure, so every OHR Regional Office and OHR Department has its own sub page. The new Web Site offers better content organisation and a range of new applications, including a full-text search engine, a subscription service with options to receive daily updates from a menu of 13 different document categories, and on-line job vacancy application forms.

The Web Page carries more than 6,000 archived documents.

The new Web Site was produced by the OHR Press Office and the Sarajevo-based Software Company QSS (Quality Software Solutions), which was chosen by a public tender.

The OHR hopes that the new Web Page will prove helpful to people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.