01/20/2004 SB Ambassadors Sarajevo

Mostar should have a single city administration

The Ambassadors of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council fully support the ongoing dialogue between the High Representative and the local stakeholders in Mostar on the future of the city.

The issue of Mostar’s Statute needs to be settled in time for it to be applied in the October local elections, planning for which will need to begin shortly.  The Ambassadors therefore consider it necessary to resolve the issue this month, preferably through political agreement.   They consider the draft Statue of the Mostar Reform Commission, and Mr Winterstein’s proposals addressing the outstanding issues, a good basis for such a new Statute.  

The citizens of Mostar have waited many years for their political leaders to resolve the problems that have plagued the city.  The Ambassadors therefore call on the leadership of the political parties in Mostar to reach an agreement, in the spirit of compromise and statesmanship, that will at last reunite the city of Mostar. 

For too long, Mostar has been a symbol of BiH’s division and dysfunctionality.  This year, Mostar has the opportunity instead to become an international symbol of the reconstruction and reunification of the country.

The Ambassadors therefore urge Mostar’s politicians to do all they can to ensure that the international investment conference in Mostar next month, and the opening of the old bridge in July, are not overshadowed by continuing political division and crisis.