04/28/2010 Legal Department, Sarajevo




DUTY STATION:                Sarajevo

GRADE:                                9

CONTRACT TYPE:           National (Short-term position)




In general, the Legal Advisor will assist the Department for Legal Affairs to play a key part in the provision of specialist legal services in the areas of law that are of interest to the Office of the High Representative. The Legal Advisor will prepare legal analysis and recommendations on issues related to structural reform in the following fields: State Property, the denationalization / restitution of property, real property ownership, taxation and business environment development.

The Legal Advisor will be responsible for formulating policies and/or co-ordinate activities related to legislative reform in those particular fields within the OHR and will work as part of a team of lawyers forming the Commercial and Fiscal Law Unit, under the overall direction of the Head of Department for Legal Affairs. However, he/she will be expected to carry out these responsibilities independently within guidelines established by the Head of Department and the Head of Unit. The Legal Advisor will often be required to provide advice to other international agencies operating in BiH and to BiH’s government bodies.

The Legal Advisor will represent the OHR and lead OHR’s involvement in drafting legislation within domestic and international Working Groups and Commissions established under domestic law or by decision of the High Representative. As such, the Legal Advisor will serve as the OHR contact person within such group and will work in close cooperation with the BiH authorities sitting in those group/commissions.

The Legal Advisor will work with other departments within the OHR to facilitate the enactment of legislation falling within their fields of responsibility. In particular, the Legal Advisor will meet with parliamentarians, senior advisers/officials and Ministers or otherwise maintain relations with other international agencies in order to ensure adoption of crucial pieces of legislation.

Other tasks will include preparing briefings reports, correspondence and updates relevant to matters covered by the Legal Department.




§  Ensure proper follow-up of the commercial and economic law reform both at the level of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at the level of the Entities of BiH, in particular in relation to legislation concerning public property and taxation at the level of BiH, the Entities and the District of Brcko;

§  Work together with the national authorities, and in particular officials within the Ministries of Finance, Justice, etc to that effect;

§  Provide legal advice, prepare memoranda and ensure proper follow-up of the commercial and economic law reform both at the level of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at the level of the Entities of BiH, including with respect to State Property, Denationalization of Property, Real Property Ownership and taxation;

§  Lead and coordinate for the OHR, as requested, working groups and commissions in legislative reform projects, initiated within and outside of OHR;

§  Ensure the proper implementation of previously enacted legislation related to the Advisor’s field of responsibilities;

§  Develop, within the context of designated Working Groups, develop draft legislation, or amendments to existing law, related to the State Property, and/or other economic / commercial matters;

§  Cooperate with and provide strategic legal advice to Government officials on State, Entity and Cantonal level on matters falling within the Unit’s field of responsibility;

§  Coordinate the activities of the civilian organisations and agencies in BiH in their field of responsibility and, in particular, cooperate closely with relevant multilateral organizations and EU Agencies, such as the European Commission, the World Bank and IMF to determine consistent strategies concerning his/her field of responsibilities, and ensure the implementation of said strategies;

§  Advise, as requested, on legal and strategic matters related to the Unit’s field of responsibility and draft letters, prepare background papers and talking points to that effect;

§  Reviewing the proposed legislation within various government and parliamentary bodies, to ensure that legislation which is put out is consistent with Dayton and the objectives behind developing the legislative framework for BiH;

§  In house co-ordination on issues within the field of responsibilities and in house legal advise;

§  Provide back-up support on reform initiatives, as requested by HoD /HoU, on other legal matters within the scope of the Unit’s responsibilities;

§  Other tasks as assigned by the Head of Department or Head of Unit



·         Law Degree;

·         Have at last 5 years of relevant professional experience;

·         Excellent drafting skills;

·         Experience with or knowledge of European/other legal systems and norms preferred;

·         Very good written and spoken English, including knowledge of legal terminology and ability to draft legal documents;

·         Mature judgment and flexibility;

·         Full computer literacy;

·         Ability to undertake initiatives with minimal supervision, and to operate as a part of a team;

·         Ability to lead and coordinate for the working groups and commissions in legislative reform projects;

·         Proven ability to work under stress and considerable pressure.



Any person with the above qualifications should provide (in English) a CV with a one-page cover letter and references to the following:

Personnel Department
Office of the High Representative
Emerika Bluma 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fax: +387 (0) 33 283 771            E-mail: application@ohr.int
Reference number: 2010/010
Closing date for applications: 06 May 2010
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

No telephone inquiries please