Title “Official Gazette Number” Date of Publishing
High Representative Decision on Law Establishing the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 50/00 BH, 29/00 30/11/2000
BH, 16/02 11/07/2002
FBH, 52/00 12/12/2000
RS, 40/00 27/11/2000
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 13/02 BH, 24/02 29/08/2002
BH, 42/03 27/12/2003
FBH, 43/02 04/09/2002
RS, 55/02 04/09/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 97/03 BH, 3/03 10/02/2003
BH, 42/03 27/12/2003
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Further Re-Amending the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 161/03 BH, 37/03 22/11/2003
BH, 9/04 29/03/2004
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 189/04 BH, 4/04 03/03/2004
BH, 32/07 30/04/2007
Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 35/04 09/07/2004
Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 61/04 29/12/2004
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendment to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Directing the Authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Ensure that Conditions for Cessation of International Presence by Transfer of the Positions to the Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Met No. 18/09 BH, 97/09 15/12/2009
Corrigenda of the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Official Consolidated Version BH, 74/09 21/09/2009

Law on Courts of Republika Srpska


RS, 37/12



Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of the Republika Srpska RS, 44/15 05/06/2013
Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of the Republika Srpska RS, 100/17 03/11/2017

Law on Courts of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


FBH, 38/05



Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 22/06 08/05/2006
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 63/10 29/09/2010
Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 7/13 25/01/2013
Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 52/14 02/07/2014
Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 85/21 22/10/2021

Law on the Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska


RS, 104/11



Corrigendum of the Law on the Constitutional Court of Republika Srpska RS, 92/12 4/10/2012

Law on Procedure Before the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


FBH, 6/95



Law on Amendments to the Law on the Procedure Before the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 37/03 31/07/2003

Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina


BH, 25/04



Law on Amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 93/05 30/12/2005
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 52/07 BH, 48/07 25/06/2007
BH, 15/08 25/02/2008

Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training

High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 163/02 FBH, 24/02 12/06/2002
FBH, 40/02 21/08/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 60/02 FBH, 59/02 28/11/2002
FBH, 21/03 21/05/2003
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Republika Srpska No. 164/02 RS, 34/02 18/06/2002
RS, 49/02 13/08/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting Amendments to the Law on the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of Republika Srpska No. 61/02 RS, 77/02 28/11/2002
RS, 30/07 20/04/2007
Law on Amendments to the Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of Republika Srpska RS, 30/07 20/04/2007

Law on Attorney’s Profession

High Representative Decision Imposing the Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 165/02 FBH, 25/02 15/06/2002
FBH, 40/02 21/08/2002
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 29/03 30/06/2003
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 18/05 23/03/2005
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 68/05 07/12/2005
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FBH, 42/11 13/07/2011
Law on Attorney’s Profession of the Republika Srpska
(NOTE: English translation will be available soon.)
RS, 80/15 01/10/2015