10/25/2007 OHR Sarajevo

Judiciary Must Be Free From Political Pressure

OHR regrets that senior RS officials have chosen to make irresponsible comments about the criminal case against Mr. Ivanic and his associates.  Such comments call into question these officials’ public claims to be against organized crime and corruption, undermine the independence of the judiciary, and suggest that some people can be above the law based on their political position. 

OHR has had nothing to do with the indictment against Mr. Ivanic.  OHR is aware, however, that at the time of the PDP-led governments management of Srpske Sume was a subject of considerable concern to the International Community because of its role in, among other things, providing financial support to fugitive persons indicted for war crimes. These concerns prompted a number of international responses, such as audits that revealed significant problems within Srpske Sume, US financial sanctions against Srspke Sume and subsequent travel restrictions against members of the PDP leaders.

The fact that the party of Mr. Ivanic has chosen to launch a symbolic attack against OHR and the Bonn Powers only after Mr. Ivanic learned of his impending indictment suggests the initiative is clearly intended to divert public attention from the serious charges he and members of his party face.  The fact that the initiative is proposed by a person who has already been convicted for corruption speaks for itself.