06/09/2009 OHR / EUSR

Inzko Meets Kohout: An Efficient State is Key for EU Membership


An independent judiciary and an efficient state administration, in full respect of the constitutional competencies of the state and other levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a key prerequisite for faster progress of the country towards full EU membership, High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko stressed during a meeting in Prague today with the current President of the EU Council of Ministers and Czech Foreign Minister, Jan Kohout. He thanked Minister Kohout for support of the Czech EU Presidency provided to the Office of the High Representative and EUSR.

Inzko informed the Czech EU Presidency on the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the country’s progress in meeting the conditions for liberalization of the visa regime with the EU. “It is positive that the Council of Ministers has agreed a set of laws necessary for visa liberalization, and I expect the BiH Parliament to pass these laws as soon as possible”, Inzko said.

The High Representative and EU Special Representative emphasized that the current situation in the country requires a stronger engagement of the European Union and the wider international community, in an effort to push BiH authorities at all levels to intensify their efforts in fulfilling their commitments from the European Partnership and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union.

Inzko also recalled that OHR can only transition into EUSR after the five objectives and two conditions set by the Peace Implementation Council have been met. “At this moment, our efforts must be focused on solving the issue of state property and bringing the issue of military property to a conclusion. The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council will meet at the end of June, and its members expect concrete progress on these issues by then. It is very helpful that during its EU Presidency both the current and former Czech Foreign Ministers put Bosnia and Herzegovina high on EU’s agenda”, the High Representative and EU Special Representative concluded.

Today the High Representative and EU Special Representative Inzko travels to Stockholm to meet with the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affaires, Carl Bildt who will at the end of this month take over the EU Presidency. In Stockholm, Inzko will participate in a conference on future EU engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized by the Swedish Foreign Ministry.