“It is obvious that the job in Bosnia and Herzegovina is far from complete” the High Representative Valentin Inzko said today in Berlin.
Addressing the European Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, the High Representative said that the failure to elect a State Government, and the fact that no State budget has been adopted for 2011, expose “the structural weaknesses of the Dayton construct.” This situation undermines the functioning of the country, rather than supporting its development.
The High Representative underlined that the consequences of the current political situation were grim. “In the last year foreign direct investment has dropped significantly, half a million people are unemployed, and pension systems are struggling to make payments”, he said.
“Dayton and the steps taken to implement it cannot be rolled back by unilateral action”, said HR Inzko adding that, “the BiH State and its institutions are still vulnerable without a High Representative there to defend them.”
The High Representative also underlined that the “EU and NATO accession represent processes with the potential to stimulate positive change.”
In his address to the Bundestag’s European Affairs Committee, the High Representative finally concluded that the objective was a strong and functional State as well as strong and functional entities that work together in the interest of citizens.
While in Berlin the High Representative also met with senior officials in the Office of Chancellor Angela Merkel and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.