05/15/2012 OHR

Inzko: 2012 Can be a Breakthrough Year for BiH

Recent developments offer real hope that 2012 can be a breakthrough year for Bosnia and Herzegovina on the path towards Euro-Atlantic integration, as long as political leaders meet the commitments that they have made, High Representative Valentin Inzko told the United Nations Security Council in New York today.

Presenting his regular six-month report on the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representative informed the Security Council that there had been signs of positive change following the formation of a new Council of Ministers last February. “We have a political process based on dialogue and a readiness to compromise. This long overdue return to political dialogue, negotiation and compromise is very good news.”

Speaking of the outstanding issues of state property and military property, Inzko hailed the six-party agreement of 9 March as “a positive step”. Most significantly, progress on the issue of military property would help set the stage for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s full participation in NATO’s Membership Action Plan. “What we need to see now is action by the State and entity authorities to implement their agreement.”

The High Representative also informed the Security Council of certain negative developments, including challenges to the Peace Agreement.

In conclusion, the High Representative remarked that recent developments had opened the way for genuine progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The prevailing positive trend needs to be strengthened and the momentum towards Euro-Atlantic integration maintained,” HR Inzko said.


Photo: UN Photo/Evan Schneider