10/27/2004 OHR




OHR initiated an Internship Program a few years ago as a means of providing opportunities for young, motivated students and recent graduates with good academic achievements to gain some work experience during university study or after graduation.

Details of the Program

·         OHR offers Internships the fields of Economics/Business, Law, Criminology, Political or Social Sciences

·         Candidates can apply for an Internship at OHR Sarajevo or our regional offices in Tuzla, Brcko, Banja Luka or Mostar 

·         Applications will be accepted from national and international students and young graduates

·         The duration of an Internship is maximum 3 months

·         Internships can take place period between May and October 2005

·         Internships are unpaid but include insurance coverage for death and disability

Candidates with relevant academic background are invited to submit (in English) a CV with a covering letter indicating preferred duty station, field of interest and  period of Internship.

OHR Personnel division
(Internship Program)
Emerika Bluma 1,  71 000 Sarajevo
Fax: ++387 33 283 771                E-mail: application@ohr.int

Closing date for receiving the applications 28 February, 2005
No telephone inquiries please.
Selected candidates will be informed by 31  March, 2005.
Those who are not selected will not be communicated.