The ICTY Liaison Officer will advise on and address concerns related to war crimes and ICTY-related issues. The Human Rights/Rule of Law Department has the lead responsibility within the Office of the High Representative for issues of Human Rights Co-ordination; Education; Support for the Annex 6 & 7 Institutions; Social and Economic Rights; Religious and Ethnic Tolerance; Property Legislation; NGO and Civil Society Development; Gender Equality; Support for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY); and Monitoring of War Crimes Trials in Domestic Courts. In addition, the Human Rights/Rule of Law Department is active in many other areas, including judicial reform and addressing return-related violence. The ICTY Liaison Officer will advise and support the Head of the Human Rights/Rule of Law Department.
The scope of work for this position is as follows:
- Coordination and Liaison
- Advising and Information Management
- Working Groups and Special Support
Coordination and Liaison
- Liaising with ICTY officers on a regular basis to facilitate and ensure in-country respect of ICTY’s mandate and address common concerns and future strategies
- Assist with other aspects of ICTY’s work and prospective future work, such as the creation of a ‘Special Court’ and the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in BiH
- Impress upon BiH authorities to fully co-operate with ICTY (financial, political and logistical support, access to witnesses and information, legislative reform, constructive local authority liaison and co-operation with the ICTY, public information campaigns)
- Liaising with the ICTY Rules of the Road Unit, addressing concerns and facilitating the work of the Unit, particularly with respect to supporting their training workshops in BiH
Advising and Information Management
- Maintaining a secure database of relevant information
- Advising or providing information, on a confidential basis, regarding prominent individuals who are indicted for being alleged war criminals, or who are under suspicion
- Informing and assisting ICTY officers with regard to the activities and policies of OHR, International Organizations in BiH, BiH authorities and other actors
- Advising the Head of the Department on issues related to war crimes, such as ICTY activities, domestic war crimes trials, Rules of the Road procedures, indicted and alleged war criminals- drafting of policy and intervention strategy recommendations, background briefs, speaking points and letters
- Informing and assisting other members of OHR and the International Community with regard to the activities and policies of ICTY, within the realms of the principle of confidentiality
- Regularly reporting on activities and producing guidelines for Human Rights Officers and others in the field
- On a daily basis, forwarding BiH media reports on ICTY activities to ICTY, and any other information that is deemed useful
Working Groups and Special Support
- Preparing strategy regarding issues emanating from war crimes and other trials, including concerns related to civil cases and execution of judgements, as part of the War Crimes Trial Monitoring Unit
- Ensuring that all domestic war crimes trials abide by the Rules of the Road procedures, under the Rome Agreement of 1996
- Participating in the Trial Monitoring Coordination Group
- Social science/ law degree, preferably with a human rights specialization
- Ideally, lawyer with practical experience, preferably prosecution experience
- Fluency in spoken and written English
- Field work in the area of human rights, preferably regarding war crimes
- Multi-cultural sensitivity, inter-personal skills in dealing with government authorities and international partners
- Knowledge of BiH socio-political landscape an asset
Any person with this overall professional profile who wishes to be considered for the position should submit (in English) a CV and one page cover letter with references to:
Director of Personnel
Emerika Bluma 1, 71 000 Sarajevo
Fax: ++387 33 283 771 E-mail: application@ohr.int
Please quote Reference No. 619/01
Closing date for applications: December 17, 2001