The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, welcomes the formation of a new Council of Ministers, with Zlatko Lagumdzija as its chairman and Ante Domazet as Treasury Minister, approved by the BiH House of Representatives today.
The High Representative trusts that the new Council of Ministers will immediately turn its attention to the urgent task of securing parliamentary approval for an Election Law. This legislation is not only a prerequisite for BiH’s accession to the Council of Europe, and the EU “Road Map”, it is above all indispensable for a democratic state. The citizens of BiH are effectively disenfranchised as long as their elected representatives fail to enact legislation that is needed in order to hold elections.
The High Representative is confident that the new chairman has the expertise, determination and leadership to continue the program of economic reform, and return and property repossession pursued by the Matic administration, and that he will also continue the work of strengthening the state institutions.
Another area that will require urgent and sustained attention is civil service reform. A draft law aimed at raising s draft law aimed at raising standards of public administration has recently been submitted to the Council for its consideration.
The High Representative appeals to the other state institutions and the Entity Governments to cooperate with the new Council of Ministers and in this way promote the interests of all BiH citizens. The High Representative stands ready to support the Council in the spirit of partnership and shared responsibility, and extends his congratulations to Mr Lagumdzija and his colleagues.