10/10/2001 OHR Sarajevo

High Representative raises concerns with RSNA Speaker Kalinic


The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, has addressed a letter to the Speaker of the RS National Assembly, Dragan Kalinic, on the occasion of today’s special session of the Assembly. In the letter he expressed concern about obstructionist behavior of some RS delegates in the State Institutions. Furthermore, the High Representative reiterates that “many laws that are vital for the economic well-being and security of BiH in general, and for Republika Srpska in particular, have been passed by the Council of Ministers. However, these are unfortunately held hostage for all intents and purposes by RS delegates in the State Parliament.”

In his letter, the High Representative reminds Speaker Kalinic that — at the suggestion of Prime Minister Mladen Ivanic — a Legal Experts Group was set up recently in BiH in order to provide an opportunity for facilitating communication and to minimize misunderstandings regarding the legal basis for proposed State-level legislation. This co-operation has turned out to be productive. Among other issues, this Group deals with the procedure for delegating powers from the Entity institutions to State institutions.

With this regard, the High Representative clarified the issue of competencies, stating that “while the RSNA is free to discuss any issue within its competence I would like to point out that it clearly cannot adopt conclusions binding at the State level.”

The High Representative reiterates in his letter the conclusions of the PIC Steering Board meeting in Brussels of 13 September, which noted that the development of a single economic space has now come to a standstill. The Steering Board clearly voiced the urgent need to take “the required decisive and concrete steps towards the structural economic reforms so desperately needed to attract foreign investment and to create jobs. Political challenge to independent agencies is chilling in its long-term impact on developing a regulatory climate that will entice foreign investment.”