09/10/2015 OHR

High Representative meets Croatian President Grabar-Kitarovic


High Representative Valentin Inzko met today with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in Sarajevo. The discussion focused on the current political situation in the country, in particular the obligation of the authorities in BiH to fully respect the Peace Agreement, as well as the new phase in BiH’s efforts to join the European Union through the recently signed reform agenda .

The High Representative thanked President Grabar-Kitarovic for the role Croatia has played over the years as a co-signatory of the Dayton Peace Agreement and as a member state of the European Union in supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“As I said many times Croatia serves as a positive example for Bosnia and Herzegovina of how decisive progress can be made on the Euro-Atlantic agenda when there is political will to implement reforms in the interest of all citizens” said the High Representative.

President Grabar-Kitarović underlined the importance of continued and uninterrupted presence of Croats in BiH, and that the principles of the Dayton Agreement must be respected, guaranteeing the equal position of the Croat people.

High Representative Inzko made clear that the RS referendum is a serious and direct challenge to the Peace Agreement that runs the risk of taking the country backwards and that it must be put aside so that the country’s leaders can focus on real reforms to the benefit of the people.