05/29/2007 OHR Sarajevo

High Representative Fines Political Parties in HNC for Failure to Form Government


Almost eight months after the General Elections political stakeholders in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton continue to prioritize individual and party interests over the interests of citizens.

This constitutes a clear abuse of trust of their voters and citizens in general. The fact that there is as yet no government of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton is due solely to the irresponsible conduct of political parties.

It is time they took some responsibility for their inaction and for that reason the High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling today imposed a series of fines on four political groupings in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton for failing to form a government.

The political groupings to be fined are those responsible for this failure: the HDZ BiH, the HDZ 1990-HZ, the SDA and the SBiH.

The High Representative’s Decision suspends disbursement of party funding from the BiH, FBiH and Herzegovina-Neretva Canton budgets to the HDZ BiH, the HDZ 1990-HZ, the SDA and the SBiH from 1 June. This suspension will remain in effect until the cantonal government is formed.

In addition, funding that is yet to be disbursed from the budget of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton for 2007 will be reduced by 40 per cent for the HDZ BiH and the SDA and by 20 per cent for the HDZ 1990-HZ and SBiH. The reduced allocation will only be paid after government formation.

If a government has not been formed in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton by 7 June, an additional 20 per cent of party funding for 2007 that is yet to be disbursed in the to these political groupings shall be deducted on a weekly basis until a Cantonal Government is formed.

If the cantonal government is not in place by 28 June 2007, the High Representative reserves the right to issue a further Decision reducing party funding to political parties from the budget of the FBiH and/or state level.

According to the High Representative’s Decision, revenue raised through fines will be transferred to old people’s homes, orphanages and homes for children with special needs in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, to fund specific projects unrelated to the funding of their daily needs.