07/19/2004 OHR Sarajevo

High Representative Extends Deadline for RS Srebrenica Commission to Complete Its Work


The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, has written to RS President Dragan Cavic and RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic extending the deadline by which the RS Srebrenica Commission must complete its work and present its final report, until 15 October.

Last week, the High Representative indicated to the RS authorities that he was prepared to consider an extension of the deadline if it were clear that the Commission could uncover significant new evidence in the additional time given to it. In his letter to President Cavic and Prime Minister Mikerevic the High Representative notes that the Commission has received a substantial amount of new information, even in recent days and that additional time is required for this information to be fully analysed.

In addition, the new documents obtained by the Commission raise the prospect of pursuing new avenues with Belgrade . More time is needed for this to be done. The High Representative noted that this should be taken up by Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic with the S&M Government.

Additional time is also required so that the documentation already provided to the Commission, and annexed to its 15 June report can be fully exploited. And between now and the middle of October the Commission will be able to continue its effort to consolidate a single list of persons missing as a result of the Srebrenica Massacre from the different existing lists.

The extension until 15 October was decided following consultations with the Human Rights Commission within the BiH Constitutional Court and with the ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte.  They have welcomed the decision.

The High Representative expressed his confidence that President Cavic and Prime Minister Mikerevic will ensure that the Commission continues to receive all the political and financial support it needs to complete its task.