09/07/2012 OHR

High Representative Calls for Responsible Election Campaign


With the municipal election campaign starting today, High Representative Valentin Inzko called on political parties and leaders to campaign in a forward-looking, constructive, and responsible manner in the run up to elections on 7 October.

The High Representative reminded all candidates and parties that they must abide by election rules and refrain from hate speech and incitement of national, religious and all other forms of intolerance. He urged them to avoid divisive rhetoric and cautioned against actions challenging the Peace Agreement that – particularly in a pre-election period – would further worsen the political atmosphere thereby actively undermining efforts to take BiH forward, not least towards full Euro-Atlantic integration, something which the citizens of this country support.

Inzko recalled that all political parties have committed to conduct free and fair elections. “The onus is on politicians standing for elections to conduct an issue-based campaign that focuses on making local communities places where people can be proud to live. Citizens want to know how politicians standing for election are going to improve the living standards for them, their children, and their communities,” he said.

The High Representative appealed to citizens to take a good look around during the election campaign before casting their vote:

“Are you satisfied with how your area has developed and the services you receive from your local authorities? Is rubbish collected? Are streets clean? Do local services work? Are the local authorities doing all they can to make your local communities attractive for investment? Are local taxes being well spent? Are they aggressively fighting corruption and working to foster job creation?  These are kind of things that politicians standing for elected office need to explain. Think who has the best and most credible plan for developing your locality.

Most important of all, I use this opportunity to appeal to every voter in Bosnia and Herzegovina to go to their polling station on election day and to vote; you have the power of the ballot paper on 7 October. I urge you to use it.”