03/21/2016 OHR

High Representative Attends Antalya Summit of AECR Group

Upon the invitation of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR,) High Representative Valentin Inzko attended the Summit of AECR in Antalya where he delivered a keynote speech.

The Summit focused on the current refugee crisis induced by the war in Syria, its causes and implications and was attended by more than 100 parliamentarians from across Europe and the Middle East, as well as Ministers and leading academics from the region.

In his speech High Representative outlined that “as the opportunity to put in place a peace settlement for Syria finally appears on the horizon, I believe that it is not only desirable but essential to look at international engagement in places like Bosnia and Herzegovina and to apply the lessons learned.”

“Get the peace settlement and peace implementation right and we have a chance to establish a framework for lasting peace and stability and prospect of a better future for current and future generations,” High Representative Inzko added.