
Decision removing Marko Benkovic from his position as Mayor of Orasje

Ante Jelavic
President of HDZ

Dear Mr. Jelavic,

You are aware of the Decision of the Election Appeal Sub-Commission of 6 August 1998 in which it submits its findings about the failure of the Mayor of Orasje, Marko Benkovic, to comply with his obligation to cooperate on the implementation of the Peace Agreement.

My Office has investigated in Mr. Benkovic’s performance and can confirm that he is obstructing return and that he is responsible for creating a political atmosphere in his municipality detrimental to the holding of free and fair elections.

Under these circumstances, Mr. Benkovic cannot continue to hold his office. You know that the international community is investing huge personnel and financial resources to assist your country in building a democracy and establishing the rule of law of a modern European society. To achieve this, we depend on officials to cooperate. As Mr. Benkovic has failed to cooperate, he must be replaced by someone who can fulfil the requirements of his office, both vis-?-vis the citizens of this country and the international community.

I therefore ask you, in your capacity as a responsible leader of the party which is governing Orasje, to identify a personality who can live up to the important task of implementing the Peace Agreement in that municipality.

I would be grateful if you could take action and ensure that a new mayor takes office within two weeks.

Copies of this letter will be sent to Mr. Benkovic and the EASC.

Yours sincerely,

Carlos Westendorp
High Representative

Office of the High Representative