09/17/2014 OHR

Commitment to the People of Bosnia and Herzegovina


International Community remains committed to helping Bosnia and Herzegovina and its people recover from conflict, and “we will continue working until that commitment is fulfilled,” said Principal Deputy High Representative David Robinson today while speaking at Prokosko Lake at a ceremony to mark the 17th anniversary of a helicopter crash in which 12 OHR and UN personnel were killed.

Noting that the commemoration is one of the first official events in which he has participated as Principal Deputy High Representative, Ambassador Robinson said that “when we remember the sacrifice of our colleagues we remember the seriousness of purpose that brought them to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the enduring value of what they were trying to achieve. Today, in 2014, we share that purpose. We remember them in the most meaningful way – by renewing our commitment to the great cause for which they were working when they died, the cause of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Click here for the full text of Ambassador Robinson’s remarks.