09/25/2014 OHR

Citizens in Brcko District should ensure they can vote on election day

High Representative Valentin Inzko and the Supervisor for Brcko David Robinson today reminded residents of Brcko District that they can still declare their entity citizenship in time to vote at the general elections on 12 October. They made the following joint statement:

“Voters of Brcko District – like all voters in Bosnia and Herzegovina – have a historic opportunity to take their future into their own hands on 12 October by taking part in the elections. Those who want to vote in Brcko District and have not yet declared their entity citizenship for the purposes of voting can still do so – but time is running short. They will have the right to vote by tendered ballot in Brcko District. It is very important that these citizens check with the Brcko District Election Commission for more details about this possibility, so that they can be sure to be able to vote on election day.”