03/28/2003 OHR Brcko

Brcko Supervisor’s Office Welcomes Suspension of Three Public Employees


Brcko Supervisor’s Office expresses satisfaction and support to the Brcko Mayor, Sinisa Kisic, who yesterday suspended Suad Masic, Sladjana Mitrovic and Delila Kurtalic from office. These civil servants have abused their positions and are accused of serious crimes.  Criminal indictments have been filed against all three by the Brcko District Prosecutor’s Office. 

Mr. Masic is accused of physically attacking the President of the Basic Court, while Ms. Mitrovic and Ms. Kurtalic are accused of counterfeiting official documents.

Civil servants are entrusted with responsibility to the citizens, and are expected to meet high standards with regard to their efficiency, integrity and dedication to serving the people who pay their salaries. There is no room in the civil service for employees who violate the law. They are not only committing criminal acts but they also betray the confidence and trust of their fellow citizens.

The three were suspended in accordance with the Decision on Disciplinary and Material Responsibility of Employees in the Bodies of Brcko District of BiH.