11/08/2005 OHR Brcko

Brcko Supervisor Suspends Adoption of New Regulatory Plans in Brcko District


Brcko Supervisor Susan Johnson today issued an Order suspending the drafting and adoption of new regulatory plans for urban areas in Brcko until the Brcko District Assembly adopts relevant amendments and addenda to the Urban Development Plan for Brcko, Brcko District of BiH.

The Supervisor emphasized both legal and practical requirements for the Spatial Plan and the Urban Development Plan, as long-term strategic planning documents, to form the basis and conditions on which Regulatory Plans can be developed.  The   practice, apparently initiated several years ago, of improvising partial substitutes for Regulatory Plans and complete Regulatory Plans on an ad hoc basis has damaged the lawful process of spatial, urban development and regulatory planning, and has not always served the best interests of citizens.

All regular activities related to the implementation of regulatory plans already adopted can continue in accordance with respective regulations. The Supervisor may approve the adoption of planning documents in the case of a compelling need for economic, financial, social or safety reasons. In such cases, the District Mayor will request prior Supervisory approval, in writing, justifying that need.

In future, all new Regulatory Plans must be consistent with the adopted Urban Development Plan and cannot have any elements that are not harmonized with the valid Urban Development Plan.