Today at 12 a.m., Brcko Supervisor R.W. Farrand opened the OHR Media Centre in Brcko.
The aim of the Media Centre is to make available clear and objective information and a wide range of news sources to journalists and to everyone living in Brcko.
Situated opposite OHR’s office on Aleksandra Karadjordjevica, the Media Centre will be open Monday – Friday from 10am – 9pm, and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays. It stocks a wide range of publications including daily and weekly newspapers and magazines from the Federation, Republika Srpska, Croatia, the FRY and overseas, including:
- Oslobodjenje, Vecernje novine, Dnevni avaz, Slobodna Bosna, Dani, Front slobode, Polikita
- Globus, Vjesnik, Feral Tribune, Nacional, Tjednik, Slobodna Dalmacija
- Nasa Borba, Dnevni Telegraf, Vreme
- Nezavisne novine, Panorama, Novi prelom, Reporter
- Times, Newsweek, Economist
All press releases and documents issued by the Supervisor’s Office will be made available and there will be information available in the local language on the work and mandates of OHR and the Supervisor, SFOR, UN IPTF, UNHCR, and the OSCE.
The Media Centre has internet access, and there are plans for film showings and seminars. The centre will also serve as a gallery space for exhibitions.
The centre was first used during the recent elections and became a focal point for journalists covering the vote. OHR hopes the Media Centre will continue to prove a valuable resource for local and visiting journalists.