Brcko Supervisor Susan R. Johnson today issued a Supervisory Order authorizing the District Government to spend 2004 budgetary funds for the maintenance, construction and reconstruction of infrastructure, utilities, schools and housing units, without formal approval by the District Assembly.
The Order was necessary because of the District Assembly’s inability to reach final agreement on allocating available budgetary funds for these purposes. Any further delay at this point in the construction season could jeopardize timely implementation of projects that serve the interests of the people of the District and satisfy their legitimate demands.
The Supervisor found it unacceptable and unworkable for the Assembly to approach these issues on primarily national grounds. “Politicization of such issues results in denial of funds that are badly needed to improve the quality of infrastructure and stimulate the economy,” she said. “The available revenue, collected from tax-payers, is not being returned to them in a timely manner, in the form of services, jobs, salaries, and social contributions.”
The Supervisor also noted that the inability to reach decisions on budget allocation issues revealed systemic deficiencies in the manner that the Government and the Assembly organize and execute their responsibilities. She calls upon both the Government and the Assembly to better define their respective roles and develop better processes and procedures. Interaction between the Government and Assembly currently is too ambiguous and lacks transparency.
Furthermore, the Supervisor urges the Government to take into consideration those residents who have not been eligible for any (re)construction assistance in the past. In particular, the situation of those currently living in alternative accommodation requires prompt resolution.