07/09/2001 OHR Brcko

BLRC is providing series of training sessions to the Brcko District Police


During the past two weeks, the Brcko Law Review Commission (BLRC) provided training to Brcko District Court judges, prosecutors, legal aid lawyers and Brcko District police inspectors to be trainers in the new criminal procedure, for the purpose of further training all the uniform police in Brcko District.

Each training session is scheduled to last a day, and it is expected that 5 sessions will be held this week. Five groups consisting of five trained judges, prosecutors, legal aid lawyers and police inspectors will provide training to the 50 Brcko District policemen per session.

The next upcoming session for the police will be a full day training conducted by the BLRC and members of the Brcko District judiciary on the Law on Misdemeanors. These training sessions are part of the ongoing efforts in training the Brcko police on substantive criminal law and procedure.

For more information, please, contact OHR North Public Affairs Officer Suzana Pejcic at 049-205-666 or 066-133-526.