09/05/2008 OHR

BiH Citizens have Equal Rights on the Whole Territory of BiH


The Office of the High Representative takes this opportunity to underscore a central feature of the Dayton Peace Accords, which is that citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina have equal rights across the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of national origin, language, religion, sex, political or other opinion.

The BiH constitution,  both Entity Constitutions , the Statute of Brcko District,  and subsequent decisions of the BiH Constitutional Court  guarantee and uphold the rights of all BiH citizens  throughout the whole territory of BiH. The Dayton Peace Agreement is absolutely clear on this.

Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Entities and the Brcko District are constitutionally, legally, and statutorily multi-ethnic. The Dayton Peace Agreement builds multi-ethnicity into the very foundations of the country. No area, political or geographical is, can or will be ethnically defined.