03/30/2005 OHR Sarajevo

Ambassador Wnendt Ends Mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Senior Deputy High Representative, Ambassador Werner Wnendt, arrived in BiH in August 2003 and will leave Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of April. Ambassador Wnendt will take up the position as Head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo. His successor will be appointed shortly.

The High Representative thanks Ambassador Wnendt for the contribution and dedication he has brought to a broad range of responsibilities, including refugee return and institution-building, ieducation reform and the reorganization of the BiH armed and intelligence forces. As Special Envoy to Mostar upon enacting of the Mostar Statute Ambassador Wnendt played a key role in the restructuring of the City of Mostar.“ I deeply appreciate Ambassador Wnendt’s immense dedication and commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina and reform agenda. Although I am sad to see him leave, I wish him all the best at his capacity of OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo,” said the High Representative.