Under the auspices of the Supervisor of Brcko Ambassador Henry L. Clarke, Agreement on the implementation of the entities’ obligations from the Final Arbitration Award for Brcko on providing electricity was signed between the governments of the Brcko District and the entities in Brcko today.
The Agreement regulates the mutual relations in the field of legal, economic, technical and other significant issues related to the way of providing the Brcko District with electric power as well as the development of the transmission and distribution network within the territory of the Brcko District and its neighboring areas.
According to the Agreement, the Brcko District will establish a Division for Electricity Distribution which will offer uniform rates and levels of service to all customers. The Division will be the only distributor of electricity service within the District and will have the authority to purchase electricity from any BiH or international provider(s). This Division will operate under the direct control of the Brcko District Government until an independent oversight/regulatory agency or commission is established at the BiH level.
The Agreement also settles all financial disputes that have arisen over electric energy services delivered to the Brcko District.
For more information, please, contact OHR North Public Affairs officer Suzana Pejcic at 049-205-666 or 066 -133-526.