11/23/2007 OHR Sarajevo

Action To Undermine PIFWC Networks Continues


“Today’s action by international and local law enforcement forces in Pale demonstrates that combined action aimed at undermining the networks that support fugitive persons indicted for war crimes remains both relevant and necessary,” said Principal Deputy High Representative Raffi Gregorian today.

OHR welcomes and fully supports the search of premises belonging to Ljiljana Karadzic, Sonja Karadzic, Sasa Karadzic, Branislav Jovicevic and Ranko Cicovic in Pale. Gregorian noted that the BiH Council of Ministers as well as OHR, the U.S. and EU have all enacted a variety of sanctions aimed at these persons because of their involvement in the support network.

“The capture of war crimes suspects through undermining their criminal support networks remains one of the key tasks for the International Community in BiH,” the PDHR said. “EUFOR’s and NATO’s roles here in BiH remain key for justice and for this country’s long term security and stability but equally important is the involvement of local law enforcement agencies.”

Full cooperation with the ICTY remains a Dayton requirement and also has a direct bearing on BiH’s integration into Euro-Atlantic structures.