02/17/2009 OHR

Acting HR Gregorian and US Ambassador English in BiH House of Representatives


The acting High Representative, Raffi Gregorian and US Ambassador to BiH, Charles English met today with the Collegium of the BiH House of Representatives and Heads of Caucuses to BiH HoR to discuss the adoption of the proposed amendment of the BiH Council of Ministers for including Brcko in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Both Gregorian and English have called on the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to adopt the proposed amendment as a matter of urgency. “The text proposed by the Council of Ministers is in conformity with awards of the Arbitral Tribunal and provides the District with effective access to the Constitutional Court.” – said Acting HR Gregorian. Ambassador English stressed that the US Governments endorses the text, adding “the United States has a long history of working with the people of Brcko to build a multiethnic, democratic and prosperous future for the District. This amendment will help to secure that outcome, and that’s why we support it.”