Title “Official Gazette Number” Date of Publishing
Law on the State Investigation and Protection Agency BH, 27/04 15/06/2004
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Investigation and Protection Agency No. 330/04 BH, 63/04 31/12/2004
BH, 35/05 06/06/2005
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the State Investigation and Protection Agency BH, 49/09 22/06/2009
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on the State Investigation and Protection Agency BH, 40/12 28/05/2012


Police Reform

High Representative Decision Establishing the Police Restructuring Commission No. 287/04 BH, 36/04 03/08/2004
Law on Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies and on Agencies for Support to Police Structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 36/08 06/05/2008
Law on Independent and Supervisory Bodies of Police Structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 36/08 06/05/2008


Border Police

Law on the State Border Service BH, 50/04 09/11/2004
Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Border Service BH, 27/07 10/04/2007
Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Border Service BH, 59/09 28/07/2009


Police Officials

Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina
According to the BH Constitutional Court’s Decision U-6/16 (“Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 57/17), it is established that the provision of Article 114, paragraph (3) of the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of BiH”, Nos. (27/04, 63/04, 5/06, 33/06, 58/06, 15/08, 35/09 and 7/12) is not in conformity with the provisions of Article I/2 of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Pursuant to Article 61, paragraph (4) of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina has hereby been ordered to harmonize the following provision, within the period of six months following the date of delivery of this Decision.
Within the meaning of Article 72, paragraph (5) of the Rules of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina has hereby been ordered to inform the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina about the measures undertaken with a view to enforcing this Decision, within the period of six months following the date of delivery of this Decision.
BH, 27/04 15/06/2004
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 329/04 BH, 63/04 31/12/2004
BH, 58/06 31/07/2006
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 393/05 BH, 5/06 30/01/2006
BH, 33/06 03/05/2006
Law on Amendments to the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 58/06 31/07/2006
Law Amending the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 58/06 31/07/2006
Law Amending the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 15/08 25/02/2008
Law on Amendments to the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 63/08 05/08/2008
Law on Amendments to the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 35/09 05/05/2009
Law Amending the Law on Police Officials of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 7/12 30/01/2012