03/31/2019 OHR

Adoption of Brcko budget is a first step

Principal Deputy High Representative and Brcko District Supervisor Michael Scanlan welcomed the adoption of the Brcko District budget for 2019.

“Now that the budget is adopted it is important for Brcko Authorities to continue working on ensuring the efficiency and transparency of the budget process. During my visit I heard the consensus view that next year’s budget has to be adopted on time; doing so will provide a predictable environment for public services to be carried out and for businesses to plan. Therefore, I welcome the commitment of the Brcko authorities to adopt a new Law on the Budget this fall and to complete fiscalization this June, two measures supportive of this goal. In meeting these deadlines the authorities will demonstrate their commitment to working in the best interests of the residents of the Brcko District”, concluded Supervisor Scanlan.