
HRCC Human Rights Quarterly Report, 01 April – 30 June 2001

The HRCC Human Rights Quarterly Report is based on the regular and special reporting of inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations. The aim of the Report is to provide a concise overview of human rights issues, cases and trends affecting the overall human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the reporting period. Questions o [...]

Human Rights Coordination Centre

Human rights coordination centre HRCC Reports are based on the regular and special reporting of inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations. The aim of the report is to provide a concise analysis of human rights issues and trends in the overall human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period under review.

Education Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Education is a crucial issue for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a high priority area for the International Community. It is essential for the future of BiH that schools become beacons for a peaceful future marked by tolerance and understanding. They are a long way from that now. Far too often, schools in BiH are still being used to spread [...]