Title “Official Gazette Number” Date of Publishing
Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 23/01 19/09/2001
High Representative Decision Amending the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Insertion Into Chapter 18 of the Following Two Articles After Article 18.9 No. 139/02 BH, 7/02 10/04/2002
High Representative Decision Amending the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 148/02 BH, 9/02 03/05/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 151/02 BH, 9/02 03/05/2002
Correction to the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 25/02 10/09/2002
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 181/04 BH, 4/04 03/03/2004
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 20/04 17/05/2004
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 349/05 BH, 25/05 26/04/2005
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 77/05 07/11/2005
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 397/06 BH, 11/06 20/02/2006
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 24/06 03/04/2006
Law Amending the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 33/08 22/04/2008
Law Amending the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 37/08 07/05/2008
Law Amending the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 32/10 22/04/2010
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 18/13 11/03/2013
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 7/14 28/01/2014
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 41/20 10/07/2020
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 3/22 BH, 38/22 10/06/2022
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (No. 5/22) BH, 51/22 02/08/2022
High Representative Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (No. 7/22) BH, 67/22 07/10/2022

Election Law of Republika Srpska


RS, 34/02



Law Amending the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 35/03 17/05/2003
Law Amending the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 24/04 12/03/2004
Law Amending the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 19/05 28/02/2005
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 24/12 19/03/2012
Law Amending the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 109/12 27/11/2012
NOTE: On the day of entry into force of the Law on Local Self-Government, published in the “Official Gazette of Republika Srpska” 101/04, the provisions of articles 54 through 62 of the Election Law of the Republika Srpska shall case to apply.
Law Amending the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 45/18 24/05/2018
Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Republika Srpska RS, 18/20 04/03/2020

Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

High Representative Decision Imposing the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 184/02 BH, 13/02 15/06/2002
BH, 16//02 11/07/2002
FBH, 25/02 15/06/2002
RS, 34/02 18/06/2002
BDBH, 11/02 12/09/2002
Correction to the Translation of the Text of the Decision of the High Representative Enacting the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Published in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, no. 13/02, 16/02 “Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, 25/02, “Official Gazette of Republika Srpska”, 34/02 and “Official Gazette of Brcko District”, 11/02 BH, 14/03 29/05/2003
FBH, 44/03 04/09/2003
RS, 36/03 23/05/2003
BDBH, 9/03 20/06/2003
Law on Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 12/04 14/04/2004
Law Amending the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 63/08 05/08/2008
Law on Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest BH, 18/12 06/03/2012
Law on Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest BH, 87/13 11/11/2013
Law on Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest BH, 41/16 03/06/2016

Law on Succession of a BH Presidency Member

Law on Succession of a BH Presidency Member BH, 21/00 10/08/2000
High Representative Decision on Amending the Law on Filling a Vacant Position of the Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina BH, 21/00 10/08/2000
BH, 16/02 11/07/2002

Party Financing

Law on Political Party Financing BH, 95/12 27/11/2012
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Political Party Financing BH, 41/16 03/06/2016