02/10/2016 OHR

High Representative and Principal Deputy High Representative visited BiH Institutions Audit Office

The General Auditor of the BiH Institutions Audit Office, Dragan Vrankić, met with High Representative Valentin Inzko and his Principal Deputy Bruce G. Berton today.

They discussed the results of the work of this institution and the necessity of its existence if BiH wants to achieve effective and efficient management of public resources.

The BiH Institutions Audit Office is an important part of the process of strengthening accountability of public institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to the funds entrusted to them. Reports of the BiH Institutions Audit Office clarify where the problems are in the process of public spending and offer valuable recommendations about how these deficiencies can be dealt with.

“This state institution plays a very important role in terms of enabling the proper functioning of all state institutions. Strengthening the independence of the BiH Institutions Audit Office and enhancing the implementation of its recommendations is an important step toward strengthening the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Independence of this institution and its unhindered work are a professional, ethical and legal requirement”, the High Representative said.

The High Representative and the Principal Deputy High Representative used this opportunity to congratulate Mr Vrankić on his appointment and wished him success in the future work of the BiH Institutions Audit Office.

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