03/25/2009 PIC SB Ambassadors

PIC Steering Board Welcomes House of Representatives Vote on Brcko

The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council on the first day of their meeting in Sarajevo welcomed the adoption of the Brcko amendment to the BiH Constitution by the BiH House of Representatives.

The Steering Board assessed that this is a sign that the country can make progress when political leaders choose to find agreement and compromise.

The Steering Board calls on the BiH House of Peoples to adopt the same amendment at their session tomorrow thereby completing the legislative process.

The adoption of the constitutional amendment on Brcko District sets the stage for completing Annex 2 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which called for binding arbitration on the dispute in the Brcko area.

It provides the District with effective, direct access to the Constitutional Court and ensures that no party can change the status or powers of the District as defined by the Arbitral Awards.

Completion of the Brcko Final Award is a longstanding priority that the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council considers to be essential for ensuring that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a peaceful, viable state irreversibly on course for European integration.

In February 2008 the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council determined that the completion of the Brcko Final Award will need to be delivered by the BiH authorities prior to OHR’s transition.

This amendment adds Brcko District to the BiH Constitution, as defined by the Tribunal’s awards

The amendment will help ensure Brcko’s multiethnic character and makes progress towards BiH’s European perspective.