12/16/2013 OHR

Inzko: Una-Sana and Bosnian Podrinje Cantonal Assemblies Must Adhere to the Rule of Law

High Representative Valentin Inzko sent today letters to members of the Cantonal Assemblies of the Una-Sana Canton and Bosnian Podrinje Canton as well as to Presidents of parties represented in the respective Cantonal Assemblies to address recent developments in both cantons. Of particular concern are failures to respect the invocation of Vital National Interests in both cantons.

In accordance with the relevant constitutional provisions, it will belong to the Vital Interest Panel of the Constitutional Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to decide on cases referred to them and until their ruling is made over invoked VNI it is clear that disputed decisions cannot be deemed adopted, nor can they have entered into force. On December 5, the PIC Steering Board “repeated its call to the authorities in the Federation to complete the necessary steps so that the FBiH Constitutional Court, including the Vital National Interest Panel, has the capacity to fulfil all its responsibilities.”

Too much time has been spent since the 2010 elections in forming and reforming governments in the cantons at the expense of governing and addressing the needs of citizens. Respect for the Rule of Law, which includes respecting the rules of procedure that regulate the work and decision-making of relevant institutions is essential for stability in BiH. In light of this, High Representative urged addressees in the strongest terms to take the necessary steps to ensure that constitutional provisions and obligations are fully respected.