
Remarks by Principal Deputy HR Donald Hays at a Roundtable on Corporate Governance

As you know, the genesis of today’s meeting lies in the findings of the Special Auditor’s reports into the public utilities corporations. We and the BiH authorities reached a consensus that the Special Auditor be asked to look into these companies. These were not financial audits, nor is the Special Auditor’s team particularly large. What the audit [...]

Speech by the High Representative Paddy Ashdown At the Funeral of Alija Izetbegovic

The first time I met Alija Izetbegovic was in this city in August 1992.
The last was last Friday.
Between those two dates, he led his nation and prevailed in a war in which some sought annihilation.
He became the father of his people - the person who did more than any other to ensure the survival of the modern state of Bosnia [...]

Speech by Principal Deputy HR Donald Hays at the conference “From Transition to Development – Globalisation and the Political Economy of Development in Transition Economies”

This gathering is particularly important because you are -- or should be -- among the opinion leaders in this country as far as its future economic framework is concerned. You are the experts, and it falls to you to assist in providing an intellectual framework for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economic development, making that development understanda [...]

Speech by PDHR Donald Hays Identifying Best Practices in Mature Peace Processes at the International Conference on Conflict Management and Conflict Prevention

It is almost exactly eight years since the Dayton Agreement ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In that period the country has moved from intensive peace implementation in the first year (backed by 60,000 NATO-led troops), through a longer phase of political and economic reconstruction, marked by general elections in 1996, 1998 and 2000, and [...]