Koordinacijski centar za ljudska prava
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 12, Nov 2, 2000
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 12 November 02, 2000 The Human Rights Coordination Centre was tasked by the Human Rights Steering Board to draft an assessment on the progress to date of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards meeting the accession requirements identified by the Council of Europe in May 1999.
HRCC Human Rights Quarterly Report, May 15 – August 31 2000
The HRCC Human Rights Quarterly Report is based on the regular and special reporting of inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations. The aim of the Report is to provide a concise overview of human rights issues, cases and trends affecting the overall human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the reporting period.
Accession Requirement
Accession Requirement Status Un- Satisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Legislation imposed by OHR #3 Human Rights Institutions Commitment to adequate funding of the Human Rights Chamber, Ombudsperson and Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees BiH X Full compliance with decisions of the Human Right [...]
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 11 July 28, 2000
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 11 July 28, 2000 The Human Rights Coordination Centre was tasked by the Human Rights Steering Board to draft an assessment on the progress to date of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards meeting the accession requirements identified by the Council of Europe in May1999.
Accession Requirement
Accession Requirement Status Un- Satisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Legislation imposed by OHR #3 Human Rights Institutions Commitment to adequate funding of the Human Rights Chamber, Ombudsperson and Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees BiH X Full compliance with decisions of the Human Right [...]
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 10, June 22, 2000
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 10 June 22, 2000 The Human Rights Coordination Centre was tasked by the Human Rights Steering Board to draft an assessment on the progress to date of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards meeting the accession requirements identified by the Council of Europe in May 1999.
Accession Requirement
Accession Requirement Status Un- Satisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Legislation imposed by OHR #3 Human Rights Institutions Commitment to adequate funding of the Human Rights Chamber, Ombudsperson and Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees BiH X Full compliance with decisions of the Human Righ [...]
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 9, May 26, 2000
Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Council of Europe: Progress Review # 9 May 26, 2000 The Human Rights Coordination Centre was tasked by the Human Rights Steering Board to draft an assessment on the progress to date of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards meeting the accession requirements identified by the Council of Europe in May 1999.
Tromjesecni izvjestaj HRCC-a zasniva se na redovnim i specijalnim izvjestajima medjuvladinih i nevladinih organizacija. Cilj Izvjestaja je da pruzi sazetu analizu problematike ljudskih prava, slucajeva i trendova koji uticu na sveukupnu situaciju u oblasti ljudskih prava u Bosni i Hercegovini u toku perioda obuhvacenog izvjestajem.
Accession Requirement
Accession Requirement Status Un- Satisfied Partially Satisfied Satisfied Legislation imposed by OHR #3 Human Rights Institutions Commitment to adequate funding of the Human Rights Chamber, Ombudsperson and Commission for Displaced Persons and Refugees BiH X Full compliance with decisions of the Human Rights [...]