- At least 12 people killed, while more than 50 are injured in today’s aggression on Nis
- Security Council needs to urgently pass a resolution as a basis for the solution of the Kosmet crisis, Igor Ivanov stated
- Carl Bildt – second special envoy of the Secretary General for the Balkans; Swedish diplomat has not yet confirmed the appointment
- RS can export oil to the FRY in the form of humanitarian aid, concluded during today’s meeting between the representatives of the RS and SFOR members
Throughout Yugoslavia, on the 44th day of aggression, strong detonations keep reverberating, taking new human casualties and causing vast material destruction. Report on today’s bombing (Nis, Pristina, Podujevo, Decani, Sjenica, Vrsac, Vranje, Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica, Cacak, Fruska Gora)
Ivanov called on the UN SC to urgently pass a resolution which would serve as the basis for solving the crisis in the FRY, ITAR TASS reports.
FRY Ambassador to the UN Vladislav Jovanovic stated today for the American network CNN that in the Bonn document the word security is not precisely defined. If that is a euphemism for international military presence, than it represents a problem, since our primary position is to oppose any foreign military presence, Jovanovic said.
FRY President Slobodan Milosevic should accept the G8 peace plan reached in Bonn, for NATO will impose, with additional military and political pressure, the implementation of this plan, Javier Solana stated.
Former Swedish PM Carl Bildt stated that the UN has not asked him yet to assume the function of the special envoy of that organization for the Balkans, Reuters reports.
Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic criticized in an interview to the British Independent the politics of Slobodan Milosevic, warning that it could bring the survival of the common state of the republics of Serbia and Montenegro in question.
Leader of the Democratic Party Zoran Djindjic, in an interview to the BBC, said that Milosevic must be brought before the Court for War Crimes, since it is him who bears the exclusive responsibility for what is going on in the FRY.
The Agency France Press carries the statement of the RS NA Vice Speaker Jovan Mitrovic given to the Extra Magazine in which he, inter alia, says that Serbia is paying the price for the unreasonable politics of Milosevic, which people should reject.
The German magazine Die Welt carried an interview of Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan given to the London “Express” in which he presents his view on reports of the western media on Kosmet: “You first talk about mass graves and than you kill civilians” Arkan said.
A group of famous world lawyers filed before the Hague Tribunal for the War Crimes in former FRY a lawsuit against the leading persons of NATO for war crimes committed during the attack of the Alliance on FRY.
The NATO representatives at a press conference held in Brussels today spoke, inter alia, about today’s tragedy in Nis. General Jertz stated that he was familiar with the reports on the attack on the Nis hospital, but that an investigation is supposed to establish whether that was the consequence of the NATO air strikes. Alliance, stressed Jertz, does not attack civilian targets. Shea rejected the claim that NATO forces in Kosovo would be the occupying ones. They would protect Albanians in Kosovo, and they do not think of us as the occupiers, Shea said. Shea expressed hope that Macedonia, which 9 Albanians from Kosovo crossed to today, would reopen its borders and accept Albanians.
Yugoslavia approved yesterday a humanitarian mission, which Secretary General Kofi Annan wanted to send to Kosovo and other parts of the FRY, UN informed.
The representatives of the republic Government, the oil industry of the RS Energopetrol and Krajinapetrol talked in Banja Luka today with the SFOR representatives about the Memorandum which would regulate the problems of supplying the RS with oil and oil derivatives. That memorandum would, inter alia, regulate the sale of the goods of the petrochemical industry outside the RS.
The RS representatives in the BiH common bodies decided at today’s working-consultative meeting held in Banja Luka to participate in the forthcoming session of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples of the BiH PA.
The representatives of the Ministry for Civil Affairs and Communications in the BiH CoM exchanged today with the representatives of the RS and FBiH Ministries of Refugees and DPs the disks with data on the number of refugees and DPs who have filed the claims for the return to the RS, i.e. FBiH.
DHR Jacques Klein, in an interview given to the Zagreb-based daily “Vecernji list”, commended Croatia for its support to the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia.