
OHR SRT News Summary, 31 January 1999



  • Kosmet without incident in the last two days
  • Contact Group Peace Agreement expecting a dialogue
  • New American attack on Iraqi rocket systems
  • News Topic – a day with teachers Kosovo related news
  • Kosovo was peaceful last night, the Kosovo Verification Commission informed today.
  • The NATO Council today authorised Secretary General Javier Solana to make a decision on possible air strikes against objectives in the FRY

territory, if necessary.

In Montenegro, the registration of DPs from Kosovo starts tomorrow, Beta reports.

Thanks to the agreement between the Republic Government and the Union of Teachers, a compromise on conditions for performing the teaching process was reached. Thus, the pupils will be at their schools tomorrow. The salaries to the teachers are being paid out half in KM and half in dinars. The payment of the material expenses for the employees of primary and high education institutions has been provided, too. In that way, the RS Government honored the legal obligations towards teachers for the last year.

The war prisoners of the RS Army, in the letter addressed to the HR Carlos Westendorp and the main judge of The Hague Tribunal Louise Arbour, warn that the fate of more than 100 Serb soldiers and civilians who were captured in the mountain Ozren during the war in the autumn of 1995, is still unknown. Parts of the letter were broadcast.

The Minister of Defence Manojlo Milovanovic stated today that the Entity Armies in BiH are far from European standards. Milovanovic assessed the work of the OSCE seminar on democratic control of the security policy and armed forces held in Sarajevo as successful, stressing that the participants of the seminar reached consent on the necessity of investing common efforts in establishing a sustainable peace in BiH.

The statement by the DHR Jacques Klein given to the Zagreb press that one should form a third entity in BiH – the Croatian one – caused reactions among the Croatian and Moslem public, as well as the politicians in FBiH, the Sarajevo independent media report. At the same time, the Croatian radio reports that the Moslem leaders announced a request for the revision of the DA in order to have BiH reintegrated.

The Serb Coalition for RS, in today’s press release, comments on the current political momentum in the RS after the last assembly session: “A thesis has been created that the political life of the RS is experiencing a presidential crisis, for the two prime minister designates, proposed by President Poplasen, did not manage to form a Government. In order to establish what this crisis was about, the Serb Coalition for RS suggests that the RS President requests the parliamentary parties and coalitions to try to form the parliamentary majority though direct negotiations and ask their person, chosen on the basis of the signed programme, to be given the mandate for the composition of the Government….By accepting this suggestion, the parliamentary majority would be formed before the eyes of the public, in the manner of the best democratic traditions of the West, so the IC representatives could not bring it into question” says the press release.